
ultimatepunster t1_iyc7pm9 wrote

Personally for me, it's not really the "hive mind"

I watched those movies, and The Force Awakens was okay-ish, a couple things I liked, some things I didn't, and thought "it'll get better in the next movie, I mean how can you fuck up Star Wars?"


Choreography? Not anywhere near the prequels level. Story? I absolutely despise bringing Palpatine back to life, as in my personal opinion, it completely ruins Anakin's whole story as the chosen one to bring balance to the Force, as he did in RoTJ when he finally came back to the light, and then not to even mention the way Han and Luke went out, like just...

I actively hate those movies lol, and I would wish to forget they exist. TFA,, again, was fine. But TLJ and TRoS? God no.