
uncre8tv t1_j8q90ne wrote

30 in 90 days... man I'd be a different person. Microdosing no-fap. Can't even imagine it as someone who ...tends to things... at minimum twice a day.
I understand there would be tenderness and you really wouldn't want to irritate it for several days. But by week 1 I'd be looking at the least tugging options to get the job done. I remember I once went camping with family. Didn't clean the pipes for like 5 days. The night I got home I took the longest shower of any young mans life. Probably clogged a main drain somewhere. Didn't consume anything but Gatorade and Protien bars for the next 12 hours. It was an event. Doing that to my body for three months.. I'd be fucked, I'd be changed. I would probably have healthier relationships and less ruthless associates. As it is I can only hang with people who live on their own knife's edge. Maybe it's internalized bullying, maybe it's unresolved anger, maybe it's a fight in the guys head between what he know is real and what he wants to believe. But all my friends are fucked in the head too. Probably not from fap addition though. I don't rightly know.
