
unidumper t1_iw8bhfx wrote

They can get all those benefits. I'll give you 2 well known illegals who were collecting from programs they should not have been. Obamas aunt zeituni and uncle omar..Me personally I have dealt with illegals who lived on SSDI. Mortgages for illegals has been around since mid 2000s . Bank of America started that. Just because you say it don't happen dont make it that way.


unidumper t1_iw0exxm wrote

There is no reason people cannot legally immigrate. Illegal aliens should not be a thing..not.one penny of taxpayers money should be spent on illegals when we have citizens who need assistance. Its not our job to absorb every lay-out who can make it to the border. Immigration should benefit the host country.


unidumper t1_iw0cjta wrote

My childhood friends uncle said fuck it and went and lived in the woods. He wasn't crazy or on drugs just didn't want any responsibility. Didn't want a job. Didnt want a place to live that required having a job to pay for. I don't have an answer for the people who choose to be like that.


unidumper t1_itx5xfm wrote

lmao.. again i dont want anyone in poverty but you need to have something to bring to the table also. you people think a burger flipper in 1950 supported a family had cars and a home.times have always been tough, every generation thinks the previous one skated. good luck times are changing and you are the future.. choose wisely because us old timers wont be here to bail you out.


unidumper t1_itwilnk wrote

are you kidding ? i made this pay and own 2 cars and a home bought 3 years ago with 0 down with all the trimmings. just because the majority of your generation thinks you deserve a CEO pay package with janitor credentials dont blame society or evil corporations. go open your own company and get real world insight. bitching that every unskilled job out there should pay enough to support a family of 4 isnt realistic. i live in todays world i know what it takes to make it and the generation you are worried about has alotta work to do.


unidumper t1_itvzk20 wrote

my company (globally recognized) pays about 19 hour great benefits to start with nothing more than HS diploma and you reach pay max in 4 years, about 26 hour. the young kids (millennials) come in ,if they show up, if they show up on time, and demand to be able to wear air pods and sit in a chair. they have no regard for quality work or any interest in bettering anything. totally self centered "theres no I in team" mentality. I actually fear for the future of some industries seeing this generations absolute lack of work ethic. nobody should owe their soul to the company store but you are not worth what you think you are.


unidumper t1_iskqtky wrote

Bitter geriatrics? Alot of them need assistance especially in this economic mess. Hell they need it more than lazy entitled blue, green haired able bodied youth who worry more about getting to the dispensary than to work..


unidumper t1_is1yy3r wrote

What I ment was there is no desire to fix it . Summer fall or winter. Besides its more complex than just a room to live in. Most homeless have drug /mental issues . Some are homeless by choice. They don't want a place or responsibility required for it.


unidumper t1_is109oz wrote

Holy crap loosen your tinfoil hat. Yeah no hustler or other porn books in kindergarten. As for SS with democrats allowing everyone and their brother to get SSDI its less $$ available for the whole SS pool, its unsustainable. Hate and division ? Democrats look at everybody as a block. We aren't Americans to democrats we are Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans ,lgbtq community..nothing but division
