
uniqueUsername_1024 t1_ixm7v6m wrote

What do you do if you used to be suicidal for so long that suicidal ideation becomes an automatic thought?

I have no real desire to hurt myself, but every time something bad happens to me, my brain goes “What if you [suicide method]?” It’s more than call of the void—it’s a specific and very detailed method using items that aren’t necessarily nearby. (Literally the same thoughts I had when I was actively suicidal.)

Thing is, I don’t want to hurt myself. I like living! But I can’t tell my therapist and risk being hospitalized—if there’s even a 1% chance of that happening, I’ll put up with the thoughts instead. They’re not a danger to me, just stressful and annoying. Is there anything I could research?


uniqueUsername_1024 t1_ixm73ux wrote

No, I think it’s that brain is always analyzing various choices. For example, if I’m looking at a restaurant menu and craving pizza, my brain might ponder, What if I get a burger? It doesn’t mean I secretly want a burger, or that pizza is harmful; it’s just a thing that happens.