
untakenu t1_j0syx0l wrote

What do you look at while talking? Are you browsing the internet? Do you wander around aimlessly, picking up random objects?

I find it awkward enough talking on the phone because many people don't speak loudly enough. How do you deal with having to ask someone to repeat themselves?


untakenu t1_iujk2pu wrote

>No society has ever tolerated a murderer

Murder is the unlawful killing of someone. But the law, which is often guided by religious morality has been, and still is, widely different from place to place.

Murder means different things to those of different religious/cultural moral structures, therefore showing clear moral subjectivity.

Not to mention stuff like some cultures giving women equal treatment and others strictly controlling and limiting their abilities.

Moral objectivity only exists from a very, very wide angle for broad subjects with little nuance.