
upkerry14 t1_j039qzk wrote

My "jade" as you call it is well earned and an opinion I am well entitled to. I wanted to make the system better ("We want to hear from you! Tell us what you think") and was ignored. Some due to politics and power struggles between medical directors, chiefs, hospital CEOs etc.... Ironically the very things I spoke of are now starting to be instituted, not because they are more efficient but because of economics. The system simply cannot continue this way anymore. I loved my job up until the day I retired and considered it a privilege to help people. I got angry when I hear a chest pain come up and I was taking you in for an earache at 3am that you were too lazy to call you're doctor about at 3pm. Every medic feels this way eventually, even you, after seeing how horribly run 911 is in this country. Litigation /fear is a big part of it as well. Suffice it to say you don't know me, nor I you, so let's work a shift together and tell me if I'm "jaded". Ad hominem attacks are a sign of a weak argument.