
urzu_seven t1_ixhym9f wrote

Intrusive thoughts such as this are common, everyone has them. The reason is because our brains are constantly having thoughts and we just don’t pay attention to most of them. In any situation your brain is analyzing all kinds of possibilities, and automatically ignoring the irrelevant ones for the most part. Occasionally you notice them and if they are scary or unpleasant it might seem upsetting for a moment but most of them time you can easily dismiss them. Unfortunately sometimes some people, usually due to mental illness, being in a temporary bad mental state, or for other reasons pay more attention to these kind of thoughts than they need to which can lead to anxiety, depression, and in unfortunate cases dangerous action. If you find yourself experiencing these kind of thoughts on a frequent enough basis (or they feel particularly strong) it’s a good idea to talk to a mental health professional. There is help available and you absolutely can do something about it.


urzu_seven t1_iwy9bz6 wrote

Soda doesn’t go flat the second it’s opened. You can take some of it out and reclose the bottle. It will still have carbonation in it. But the point is freezing a full bottle of soda and unfreezing it is unlikely to work not because of carbonation change but because the bottle will burst due to expansion of the water.


urzu_seven t1_iwlq3xe wrote

The separation of dinosaurs into two groups (saurischia and ornithischia) occurred long before the modern idea of birds being considered dinosaurs was contemplated. Current evidence suggests birds are descendants of a subset of therapods, which were saurischia. Obviously their characteristics changed over hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

Basically they aren’t saurischian because THEY have lizard like hips but because their distant ancestors did.

The fact they are so different from their ancestors is why I, frankly, think calling them dinosaurs is grossly misleading, and scientific pedantry. It leads to exactly the kind of confusion you are experiencing.


urzu_seven t1_iwe5etb wrote

Before we begin, an important correction: Each gamete (sperm and egg cell) contain HALF of the parents DNA.

Imagine you have two books, well call them Mom and Dad. Lets say for this example that each book has 23 pages.

You want to create a new book from those two books. To make the new book for each page you take half the text from the mom book for the same page, and half the text from the dad book for each page. Lets simplify it even more and say you take either the top half or the bottom half from each book.

So for any child page there are four possible combinations:

- Top Mom + Top Dad

- Top Mom + Bottom Dad

- Bottom Mom + Top Dad

- Bottom Mom + Bottom Dad

How many possible combinations of a 20 page book can you create from those four patterns for each page? A lot. 4^23 is over 70 TRILLION possible combinations. So you have a 1 in 70 TRILLION chance of making an exact duplicate using this method of making "new" books.

This is a VERY simplified version of how genetics works and already you can see how with even just a few options it becomes basically impossible to have identical copies from repeating the same process.


urzu_seven t1_ivhj4l3 wrote

What makes you think blackholes are tense? They seem pretty chill to me.

Technically everything bends the fabric of spacetime, but unless your density is a lot higher than any known person the effect is trivial compared to larger gravity fields around you, and time does not slow enough to be remotely noticeable.


urzu_seven t1_iv8syug wrote

A heart lung bypass machine used during surgery has a recommended usage limit of 6 hours though it can be used up to 10 hours. The limiting factor is the development of blood clots due to the nature of the machine and how it affects blood.

If a longer period is necessary a different, though similar device called an ECMO ( extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) machine can be used. These can be used for multiple days, with an upper limit around 30. However due to the prolonged use of blood thinners and other issues problems such as excessive bleeding can occur so it’s not ideal.

Finally, short of a living heart transplant there is the artificial heart, which has been able to last up to 5 years in some cases.


urzu_seven t1_iv4ojpx wrote

The symptoms of CTE are similar to or the same as other neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s or mood disorders which are also currently difficult/not possible to diagnose using clinical tests. Currently the only for sure determining factors can be observed by examining the brain tissue which can only be done by autopsy.

I have no doubt there is active research into better ways to diagnose CTE, but like many neurological problems it’s difficult.


urzu_seven t1_iuia9bm wrote

Assuming this statement is true (do you have a source) there’s multiple things going on here.

  1. A decline in the birth rate does not necessarily mean a decreasing population.

First population change is given by:

Total population - deaths + births.

As long as births > deaths your population will grow.

For example, let’s say in 2020 you had a population of 1,000, a death rate of 10% and a birth rate of 20%. That would give you:

1,000 - 100 + 200 = 1,100 people. A growing population.

Let’s look at the next year. For simplicity sake 100 people moved away so our population is back to 1,000. Death rate stays the same, 10%, but birth rate declined from 20% to 16% (a 20% decrease).

Your population equation is:

1,000 - 100 + 160 = 1,060.

Not growing as fast but still growing.

  1. Even if you had an overall declining population, that doesn’t mean the decline is the same everywhere. Some areas could be declining more quickly while others are declining more slowly or even increasing.

  2. People move. Even an overall declining population doesn’t mean a particular area will become less crowded if more people are moving there.

  3. It takes time for changes in population growth rates to be felt. Especially if there isn’t a consistent change over time. If that 20% decline is replaced in a few years by 20% increase you’ll see things even out over time. Aside from your kids class being more or less crowded for a few years you might not notice the change at all.


urzu_seven t1_iui5mcy wrote

Aside from being science fiction not science fact, the scenario involved is different. SSRIs et al. dont eliminate REM sleep (which yes, is bad) but can disrupt it to varying degrees. While this can have some effects on a persons sleep schedule, how well they sleep, etc. it doesn’t cause the same symptoms as lack of REM sleep/sleep at all, as depicted in the show would have.


urzu_seven t1_iugf6k1 wrote

Because then you'd have countries changing from Monday into Tuesday in the middle of their day. It would be painfully confusing to everyone except the blessed few who get to live in the "correct" time zone. Most people live most of their lives locally. Your day is aligned with when you wake up, go to sleep, etc. and where the sun is in relation to where you are is more important.


urzu_seven t1_iu3k4ox wrote

Initially? Because it was noticeably better than the alternatives.

Subsequently? Being good enough + inertia + questionable (possibly illegal) behavior that further cemented its position and/or limited potential rivals.


urzu_seven t1_iu3iccq wrote

The company isn't "your property" and by buying shares you agree to the terms attached to them, which include provisions which allow the majority to decide things like this. The alternative would be tyranny of 1, ANY single person could ruin the business by refusing to allow something to happen. No sane company would issue shares under those circumstances.