
user_joined_just_now t1_jc03cgb wrote

This guy, who had at least 2 prior felony convictions on separate occasions and was arrested again in 2017 for ramming a cop with an ATV, got 1.5 to 3 years in prison for ramming a cop with a stolen car. Given that only 6.1% of felony arrests resulted in a felony conviction in 2021, I would be surprised if the guy from this incident got anything more than 2 years.


user_joined_just_now t1_j9xgs1l wrote

Fun fact: from FY 2016 to FY 2021, according to figures from the New York City Independent Budget Office that have subsequently been adjusted for inflation, DOE expenditures have increased 14%, while NYPD expenditures have decreased 8% (although to be fair, if we looked at FY 2020 instead of FY 2021, it would be an increase of 6%).


Note: If you're thinking of larger numbers like $11 billion and $38 billion, those numbers most likely include benefits and other spending that aren't included in the IBO numbers, which were used for convenience and consistency. However, I'd be surprised if this trend didn't hold even after those benefits were accounted for.


user_joined_just_now t1_j9sqmpb wrote

> Crime rate demographics mostly signify who was stopped, not who commits the crimes.

In 2021, 90.7% of murder victims in NYC were black or Latino. A similar percentage of arrested murder suspects were black or Latino, mirroring the belief that most murders are intraracial. However, only 3.9% of suspects in NYC arrested for murder in 2021 were white. Since this is racist, could you give a ballpark estimate as to how high this number should be to resolve the issue? After that, we can start brainstorming ideas to achieve equity in murder.


user_joined_just_now t1_j3002qy wrote

> I think 0 obstructed plate summonses have been issued to cops

Truly masterful usage of verbiage to avoid answering the question. Did you learn that in English 101?

> I think the NYPD don't do shit since summer 2020.

You should know that police are not the solution to crime. Solving crime requires addressing its root causes by providing things like housing opportunities and social services to those who find themselves committing crime. In this case, we can address the root causes by giving these benefits and services to people engaging in license plate obfuscation.


user_joined_just_now t1_j11jb10 wrote

> Like investigating and arresting people who commit hate crimes.

Sure, investigate and arrest people who commit non-violent hate crimes, while simultaneously bemoaning the fact that we lock up too many people for non-violent crimes. On the other hand, for people on their 5th arrest for a violent crime, carceral justice is not the solution, and we need to instead address the root causes by increasing access to public pools and social services.


user_joined_just_now t1_j0vncdt wrote

The difference in attitude in the two cases from progressives on this sub is pretty interesting.

For most violent crimes, the root cause is everything but the perpetrator: inadequate school funding, lack of access to mental healthcare and housing, not enough open pools, and so on and so forth. When a 14-year-old who has been arrested 18 times shoots someone, it's because Eric Adams didn't hire enough lifeguards. When someone who's been arrested 6 times for robbery ends up killing their girlfriend, it's because libraries had reduced service due to budget cuts. I will ignore the fact that if you need to steal to feed and clothe your family, shoplifting involves a lot less risk than robbery to all parties.

On the other hand, the root cause of illegal parking and license plate obfuscation is the driver, who did it because they're evil. It's strange, because you could easily make an argument that these behaviors have root economic causes; people want to avoid paying for parking or tolls. Does the thought of license plate obfuscation to avoid tolls even cross the mind of Jeff Bezos? Probably not. Nevertheless, there is no attempt to address violations by cars through the "root causes" lens. It is simply a moral failing on the part of the driver.


user_joined_just_now t1_ixrvbdn wrote

Those 30 individuals beat that guy to death because of socioeconomic factors. What we need to do is address those factors by increasing their access to employment, education, housing, and public pools. Maybe throw in a blowie or two. Effectively tackling crime requires addressing its root causes, not simply taking a punitive approach that continues to perpetuate both mass incarceration and the cycle of crime.


user_joined_just_now t1_ixrmdl4 wrote

> most people don't do crime for fun, but out of desperation

When you beat a guy to death with 30 of your friends while riding ATVs that cost thousands of dollars "out of desperation". Progressive moment.

The vast majority of poor people manage to get by without committing violent crimes.

Let us suppose that as part of an inquiry into the needs of NYC's most desperate, the city sent out a few hundred people with credit cards to walk around with at night as robbery bait. Where do you think these credit cards would be swiped after being taken? Do you genuinely think that most of them would be used to buy groceries and pay rent?


user_joined_just_now t1_ixorvte wrote

> an arrest record the length of a CVS receipt

> McIlwain has 23 prior arrests, sources said, including for attempted murder for an incident in which he fired a gun at someone.

Something something candy crush.


user_joined_just_now t1_ixgonqt wrote

> Especially considering the NYT article poses problems with the agency's standards and not its composition.

The NYT attempts to attribute a specific label to the problems with the agency's standards and outcomes: racism.

Who is perpetuating this racism? The article gives us two possible candidates: mandated reporters and ACS employees themselves. Of course, the article doesn't actually label them as racist. It abstractly blames "the system" and "the agency" instead. Occasionally it'll mention poverty as a confounding factor before going back to talking about racism as the issue without really identifying any racist policies the agency operates under.

Are we to believe that it is the 19% non-black, non-Latino ACS employees are responsible for perpetuating all the racism of the agency? Would the racism be solved if ACS employees were 100% black? Something tells me the writer of the article and the advocates mentioned within it would agree that it wouldn't, as they talk about racism as a mysterious, self-perpetuating phenomenon.

The racism in question is the racial disparities in the outcomes of ACS procedures. In some cases, progressives will eagerly attribute racial disparities in the outcomes of a city agency to the demographics of the employees at that agency, so it's not hard to see why someone would believe that they're doing this in the case of ACS. It seems that more and more frequently though, the racism at such an agency will be the mysterious type. We can see this in the educational disparities in the city's public school system. Who is responsible for the fact that nearly 80% of black and Hispanic students in grades 3-8 fail to meet grade-level math standards, compared to 32% of Asian students? The system, the DOE, the standards themselves, and "the school". Belief in the last one routinely manifests itself in city politics as a demand to get rid of admission standards at schools where students are high-performing, in order to give other students access to these "good schools". What makes a school good? I have yet to see this articulated in a satisfactory manner, other than some people putting the blame on funding, in spite of the fact that NYC schools with poorer performance generally get more funding.

The most convenient part about this mysterious form of racism is that whenever a new policy fails to eliminate a racial disparity in outcome, it can be said that it simply wasn't enough to solve the issue. Racism arising from the actions of a racist employee can be addressed by their removal. Racism that exists in the results is much harder to address, so we throw one bright idea after another at it. With regards to disparities in the school system, we may even be able to remedy it by simply removing the results; after all, standardized testing is flawed. I expect this will become a more common demand in the near-future.


user_joined_just_now t1_iwt1w2f wrote

This is from last month, but it's insane.

14-year-old already arrested 18 times suspected in NYC scooter shootings

> A 14-year-old gang member with 18 busts already under his belt is suspected in three shootings that occurred just days apart in The Bronx, police said Friday.

> The young suspect — whose arrests date back to age 10 or 11 — allegedly opened fire into a Dunkin’ Donuts from the back of a scooter Sept. 19 just after 2:30 p.m., said NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig said. The bullets broke the glass at the store at 5501 Broadway and struck the young shooter’s intended target, Essig said.

> A few days later, the same scooter with the teen onboard was spotted after a 20-year-old man was shot in the leg at 131 West Kingsbridge Road early Sept. 25, according to Essig.

> The targets were part of the “1300” or “OKB” gang, which is a subsection of the Crips, the chief said.

> The teen, who was not identified because of his young age, is allegedly a member of the “Young Gunner” gang, a rival Bloods offshoot, Essig added.

> The 14-year-old, who is now facing attempted murder and criminal possession-of-a-weapon charges, has 18 prior arrests dating back to 2018 for various crimes, including grand larceny robbery and criminal possession of a weapon, police said.

If only the class sizes at his school were smaller and the mayor hired more lifeguards. Blood is on Eric Adams' hands.