
utdconsq t1_j1j6k7l wrote

Undoubtedly, but I imagine it would be hard to do more than speculate without observing it happen. Emperors eat fish and crustaceans like krill. Krill are predated on by many animals, most notably whales, but the types of fish these guys eat I don't know much about. Effect of the penguins being gone, hard to say. Sadly, the krill which are so important to many, many, many species are also at risk due to acidification among other things.


utdconsq t1_iyc9bzl wrote

In theory, reduces switch wobble and changes switch sound. For some switches, they're a waste of time, others a pleasant change. For my part, they're never worth quite the effort of installing them as well as all the lubing etc. The lube itself generally does more I find.