
vacri t1_iwn4xwf wrote

It is oniony if you are unaware of just how incompetent the state Liberal party is for Victoria. The Liberal party is a major party, and as such shouldn't be endorsing any candidate calling for murder above other genuine parties.

The Vic Libs are just so incompetent that this headline is just business as usual for those in the know.


vacri t1_iwn45x6 wrote

>Classical Labour/socialist are the party of the little guy. They believe in freedom of trade, freedom of labour, and freedom of movement


That wing of politics is much more for protectionism than freedom of trade. Socialism in particular is big on controlling trade.

Freedom of labour and movement is also a weird one, as they're not really up for freedom of labour and movement if it's the wrong kind of person. And certainly in practice, history's socialist countries have been quite strict on freedom of movement even for the favoured people


vacri t1_iwlqvle wrote

My nan who never swore would say bugger frequently. And I was well into my twenties before I finally clued into what "hurts like buggery" actually means. It's obvious written in this context, but not obvious when your churchgoing relatives use it casually when you're growing up...


vacri t1_iv9j68w wrote

Check out this infographic for a more visceral sense of the family. The word for 'two' is similar across most of the indo-european family. Obviously not all words are like this, but it's an interesting graphic.

Another example of how a family is related but not mutually intelligible is that the English "black" and the French "blanc" ('white') come from the same origin - an older word referring to stuff left over after a fire. The English branch took this to mean charcoal, and the French branch took this to mean ash.


vacri t1_itb6nr5 wrote

I was looking for a place in Berlin and found one with a cleaning fee of 250 euro if you didn't fully spring clean the place yourself at the end. Owner responding to poor reviews "well the company sends a team of six for a minimum of four hours and I can't get them to do less than that", sourced from the Tome of Implausible Excuses.

Same owner also tracked electricity usage and charged someone 50 euro for occasionally using the inbuilt washing machine. Complaint in review lead to a paragraphs-long diatribe on the cost of German electricity.


Yeah, I'm going to book a hotel.