
vague_diss t1_jdcgos4 wrote

Asking the wrong question- why do we live in a country so heavily armed, with so few mental health resources, that we have to worry about anything gun shaped? Why do we have to have lock down drills and shelter in place plans to begin with?

How do you mistake a curling iron for a gun? Could it be we’ve already had over 100 mass shootings this year? Could it be a generation of kids trained monthly to “run, hide, fight” are rightfully suspicious and scared for their lives?


vague_diss t1_jczm8n2 wrote

Our town has been mostly without direct NYC service since DeCamp stopped because of the pandemic. We have to drive to Lyndhurst or Clifton for train service and then change lines in Secaucus. Its not the end of the world but its pretty inconvenient. I’m sure its going to impact property values long term.


vague_diss t1_j6ntzbf wrote

Some appointed officials perhaps. The people who do the nuts and bolts of the work do a thankless, vital job with an insane amount of scrutiny and review. Its not a perfect organization but NJ and NY would be devastated if they weren’t there.