
VAisforLizards t1_j8tsg63 wrote


  1. Get over it, move on with your day
  2. Worry about your own shit not anyone else's
  3. Continue to yell pointlessly at the sky
  4. Take a shit in a bag, put it in the oven on low for about 30 minutes and then throw it away in your own garbage can since smelling your own farts seems to be insufficient for you.
  5. Lol Good luck.

VAisforLizards t1_j3f9cq1 wrote

I was trying to figure out where the hell that was on I95, and now it makes a lot more sense it's not the Interstate 95 on the east coast its the intrastate road US95 in Nevada

Edit: I have been corrected, evidently US95 just predates our interstate system so there are two inter state highways that are numbered 95 on opposite sides of the country


VAisforLizards t1_j0gwoz0 wrote

Honestly it reads like it's trying too hard to be "gotcha journalism". The author seems to be trying to expose something but there isn't any real consistent thesis and the writing is difficult to follow throughout. What is the point of all of the pictures of text messages etc without context? The "sources" seem to be people who have an axe to grind with the subjects of the story and that is the only sources that seem to be in the story. There is a lot of "just asking questions" style of writing in this too which seems to encourage the reader to assume certain things without providing any evidence or analysis that would actually suggest ill intent or even poor judgment. I would encourage the author to focus on a theme or argument and then spe d time demonstrating it throughout the piece instead of throwing shit at a wall and see what sticks. This is very difficult to read, and I feel like I have less information about the programs and individuals than I did before I read it.


VAisforLizards t1_j0af7j0 wrote

Fucking nothing. It's all a grift. Rile up the base into rabid dogs telling them the Mexicans are taking their jobs and raping their children and then the republican leaders funnel state money to their friends that own the companies doing the work, those companies donate money to the politicians campaign and make sure that they stay in office so the grift can continue.


VAisforLizards t1_ir7sgpb wrote

It's going to have to be a bit more nuanced than that.

Edit: "Get rid of the guns" is just as mindless and naive of an answer as Abbott saying he will eliminate rape. It is going to take an actual coordinated and organized systemic change at the federal level. There must be federal gun laws that are strictly enforced limiting the purchase, sale, and transfer of guns. And likely a lot of other measures that I am not knowledgeable enough in. Saying "get rid of guns" might make you feel good to say, but there is fundamentally no way at this point to just "get rid of guns"
