
valeofraritan t1_jad6qu3 wrote

It finally got approved and then, nah, let's not put money into it for more years.

Every time someone mentions the Bypass, all I think about is the Township's Planning Game" where they asked people to participate, when I say participate it was intended to make them feel like they were included, in the planning.


valeofraritan t1_jad415n wrote

Hillsborough to pseudo Princeton (areas that have the zip but aren't even in the same county) went from 15 mins when my sister did it in 1988 to 1 hour 15 minutes when I did it in the late 00s. It's accrued development and traffic.

County and backroads were always faster than 206 for me, but still about 50 minutes total commute. Have a friend working at Princeton U and living in Bridgewater, the Bypass helps a bit since it shaves off 15-20 mins in rush hour, but direct routes always get the most traffic.

You gotta learn to do the county road boogie and avoid all possible times when school buses will mess with your commute. But unfortunately, people find those, too. RIP Dukes Parkway West/Auten Road in Hillsborough.


valeofraritan t1_ja9x5zp wrote

New Jersey has public transit, but not statewide. Mostly limited to getting to and from NYC, NYC to Shore Points, Philly from some places in Southern New Jersey.

Don't move to Somerset County, Hunterdon County, Morris County, Warren County, Sussex County, Most of Passaic County, Western portions of Union County next to Somerset County. Not too sure about anything south of Princeton but the less population, the less transit. The more farms, the less transit are pretty good rules of thumb.

Where there are county systems, some are decent, most aren't. All have big limitations in terms of when they run. You can't use Somerset's for work because it doesn't run on any type of holiday.

Hunterdon's is far better than Somerset's, but is still limited, doesn't run on Sundays. Somerset concentratres on getting people to and from Dialysis, really.


valeofraritan t1_ja11ogq wrote

The group, Texas Public Policy Foundation's (funded by conservatives like Koch and oil companies such as. Exxon, Chevron, coal companies and closely tied to the trump administration officials like Perry, who they've always backed and named their office building after are good at getting others to side with them by hitting emotional notes without providing actual proof. They do it in every jurisdiction they file lawsuits against environmentally friendly projects in. They're well-known having advocated for a punch list of conservative issues since their founding in 1989.

Even News12 said today they felt bad for the people being misled by this group because their good natures were being exp0loited by professionals. TPPF doesn't care about the people, cetaceans or anything but keeping fossil fuels flowing.

Google them. They've been campaigning against environmentally friendly energy for years now across the country.


valeofraritan t1_ja0q6jd wrote

Other than slowing down the planet burning to a crisp, yes, but not overnight and people living closer to them will benefit more than someone in Sussex or Warren County. Atlantic City Electric's been using wind turbines for years, btw.

I've also read that there's a group in Texas behind the protests against wind energy in the Atlantic. They're active here, LI and in Rhode Island. Betting it's a fossil fuel backed group.

There's no evidence that the turbines have anything to do with the whale deaths. In fact, whale deaths off the coast have been going up steadily for years before this.


valeofraritan t1_j497gnd wrote

They're trying not to pay unemployment by saying reduce your hours or we'll fire you after bringing out a policy book they haven't bothered with for the years before. Not a good look for them.

People companies can write whatever they want in a manual or a contract, but if it isn't enforceable under state law, they can wipe their *ss with that paper. You need some input from an employment attorney or 10. My inclination would be to make them fire me, tho.