
valkaress OP t1_j1vo8cz wrote

Oh I see. So since I don't have a gas bill your combined gas+electric ends up being similar to mine. That makes me feel better.

Are radiators a lot more efficient? I noticed Pittsburgh seems big on radiators, but I had never seen one before moving here.


valkaress OP t1_j1vo46e wrote

Yeah it's DLC. Distribution said 1414 kWh @ $0.0719 and Transmission 1414 kWh @ $0.0129. Supply had two prices, 309 kWh @ $0.0694 and 1105 kWh @ $0.0883.

My apartment is 600 sq ft, and you're right about heat, I mentioned in the other comment I'm pretty sure my central heating is the culprit. But damn.


valkaress OP t1_j1vmtp5 wrote

Wow that's a huge difference.

According to Duquesne Light it was 1,067 kWh between Oct 26 and Nov 24. I don't know if their "Similar Homes" estimate is credible, but they say those use 688 kWh.

My main usage is for central heating. I get the feeling my apartment is poorly insulated, and my central heater isn't good. Bit of a double whammy.