
vanzeppelin t1_ja844yl wrote

Dude get a lawyer. It's all well and good that some people in the comments got off easy, but in VA a reckless driving is a big deal. It's not like you're just going in for any other moving violation. If you get a pissed off judge, well you're looking at a misdemeanor on your criminal record on top of the expected insurance hit. Oh and you might go to jail. Unlikely, but possible. When the possible consequences are that severe, it's time to get a lawyer.


vanzeppelin t1_j9wgm0h wrote

Toki Underground. Have had others, but nothing tastes quite like TU. So good. The curry ramen with some pork belly added in is my favorite bowl in the DMV area


vanzeppelin t1_j9l8ag8 wrote

Start planning your will. No one who ventures into the city makes it out alive.

But seriously, people who live out in the boonies or live sheltered lives always fear monger about the dangers of any city. People told me the same thing about visiting New Orleans, which is a LOT higher on the crime/capita rate. Nothing happened, didn't see anything happen. I did see a lot of people walking around with dogs, children, & grandparents eating beignets and what not. DC is the same and if you are sticking any of the main areas you'll be fine. Don't go venturing out into some sketchy neighborhood, just as you wouldn't anywhere else in the country.

The most you'll probably see is some obnoxious person randomly yelling in the street and drunk millennials loudly enjoying brunch. Pick out one of the many great restaurants, enjoy the free museums, tour the sites a bit. You'll be fine lol