
varialectio t1_jaab0fx wrote

In simple terms, there's a chemical in the cells of the retina that turns light into nerve impulses. It gets used up doing so but is constantly being regenerated. With bright lights too much gets used and it takes a while for the regeneration process to replenish the stock before those particular cells can respond properly to light again. In the meantime the nerves from those parts of the retina transmit random signals to the visual part of the brain.


varialectio t1_j66fh13 wrote

Like other seedless things, you cross two varieties that you know will produce seedless progeny in the first generation (F1 hybrids). You obviously can't produce offspring from them so if you want to breed more plants you have to go back to the original parents each time.

You can always take cuttings and propagate your seedless variety as clones too.


varialectio t1_j652k40 wrote

Somebody in a high-up position will have negotiated their own contract. If its a position that carries a risk of getting fired if things don't work out they will have included compensation for that. If it's for a fixed term, just like your mobile phone contract it could include the value of the contracted payments until the term is up.


varialectio t1_j3q8948 wrote

Typically, the formation of esters is an equilibrium process able to proceed in either direction.

Alcohol + Acid <=> Ester + Water

To drive the equilibrium to the right (to make an ester in the lab) it is usually necessary to continually remove the water from the mix as it is created. In the presence of excess water as is going to be the case in the body, the equilibrium is going to be well over on the side of the reactants


varialectio t1_iufy9k5 wrote

Anything finely divided has millions of facets that reflect light in millions of directions again and again. Nothing is 100% transparent. So the incoming light gets completely mashed up giving white.

Salt, powdered sugar, mist, a waterfall, ground glass, etc, etc, all the same reason.


varialectio t1_issb015 wrote

Bone size indicates the weight it had to support. Attachment points show what sort of musculature it had. Size and length of limbs and the angles they make with the torso indicate how it could move and how fast. Jaw and teeth give clues about diet. Then there are things like chest size and lung capacity, whether it has feathers, defensive armour which indicate a prey animal, and so on.