
vavent_ OP t1_j9pbncm wrote

I have entered this hobby, after started listening to female kpop groups and wanted to get better listening experience and now I'm here

On Black Friday sell they can be found for 440$ new, also on used market you can find one for around 370-400$, but not cheaper, they really hold their value great, because the sound is awesome dethrones many kilobuck options, while cost only half of their price


vavent_ OP t1_j9k3b5d wrote

Timeless had some nasty bright peak with any stock eartips to my ears, so I was really suffering, but even without this peak, Variations are one of those IEMs that sound definitely above their price bracket, if they will fit your ear, they would be great, something better from Variations would start at 1000$ with IER-M9, Monarch MKII and so on, so yeah, upgrade was significant I should say to my ear, especially as time flows you would love your Variations even more, tonality is just perfect together with great technicalities


vavent_ OP t1_j9j6mft wrote

I’m so happy to find in this sub people with similar to my music preferences!

Sharing more? You mean about artists or gear? If gear, then LCD-X pre-2021 with metal571 EQ profile sounds very good, the only headphone that can compete with Variations in pure subjective music enjoyment, and suits my music library better than HiFiman Arya for example

If artists in consideration, then definitely IVE, STAYC, Le Sserafim(all songs are top tier, just amazing)

OMG is so good, that I don't have even words to describe what I was feeling, listening to it for first 100 times, feeling like on drugs but without them


vavent_ OP t1_j9j2765 wrote

I have so many praises about these IEMs that I don't even know how to start and write a completely logical impression, but I will try, also I'm not a native speaker, so sorry in advance for possible mistakes

My IEM trip so far: Tanchjm Hana 2021 -> 7hz Timeless -> Moondrop Variations, after owning the latter for 6 months, I also had a chance to own and listen to Moondrop Chu and Campfire Atlas(honestly, for their 900$ price tag, they don't come even close to Variations for almost x2 for the price)

From memory, when I put them in my ears and played the first songs, I was just laying down on my bed with a facial expression something like: 'yeah, that's it, that is what I was looking for in this hobby for the whole 1.5years of my journey, all my previous headphones and IEMs were failed attempts, in searching for this sound’

First, I think Variations is a bit genre-dependent, and something like metal or hard rock doesn't sound that good, but man, when I play on them 'NewJeans - Ditto' or actually any NewJeans song or any Red Velvet song or any IU song or any Billie Eilish song, everything sounds heavenly. Female vocals are just amazing, State-of-Art, they shine, they sound like angels from heaven, it's level of HD600 definitely vocal-wise, always smooth, well-extended and never harsh, shouty or sibilant, just pure euphoria, don't know what to say more.

Separation, 'soundstage', and detail retrieval, everything is here, the sound is just so clean and deep boosted sub-bass too, I just don't have complaints

Listening through Qudelix-5K + Tripowin Zonie Blue cable + AZLA SednaEarFit Crystal SS size, they do Variations justice, for me this IEM is very tip-dependent due to big nozzle. After Azla eartips, Variations with something like Moondrop Spring Tips sounded dead & unmotivated, while on AZLA ear tips natural and lively and wonderful, everything is crystal clear

Overall I can recommend to anyone whose ‘guilty pleasure' is EDM/kpop, but only with female vocals. In general all pop music, edm, rap/hip-hop sound wonderful on Variations, metal and hard rock not so much

Variations is good, very good, for the price the best for me definitely, very close to end game material for somebody with similar music preferences, I still don't have any desire to upgrade and sell them, because they are just so great, they shine, but never offense you, everything sounds smooth, energetic, engaging, beautiful, amazing, lifelike, lovely, wonderful, natural, and that's it, I'm done, hope my stream of thoughts was enjoyable to read, strongly recommend at least to try them


vavent_ OP t1_j97zzxe wrote

If you looking for some sound quality improvement, then definitely not. It depends on what you want from the chain. I don't have much free space on the desktop table, so I decided to go all in for B-stock Element III. It has everything I wanted for simple use with a laptop and connecting my headphones to it, user experience is great, have zero complaints about it


vavent_ OP t1_j97z11o wrote

Well, if the price is in consideration, then something like a used Element II(250$~) would be a great choice, as I know, Element III has options for you to switch between speakers and headphones by pressing the knob or button at the back of the device, the main killer feature is a BIG knob, it's so good, that after using this knob, you will not want to get back to other devices, I can recommend it definitely for build quality and user experience


vavent_ OP t1_j95br5i wrote

I already own it for 2 months, but the image has made when I only received it from the postal service. I bought B-stock for 399$ + 80$ import taxes and shipping, it's the first DAC/amp that I have bought new and not used, which means that I will lose much value if I decide to sell, but I was ready for this because you can't sell end game material. I'm in this hobby for 1.5 years, I had iFi Zen Dac -> Topping dx3pro -> Asgard3 + Modius -> Mojo, and now JDS Labs Element III

For whom can it be? I wanted small(because my desktop table is rather small), beautiful, with a BIG KNOB, powerful amplifier. It is a bit expensive, but you can find older elements for 250$ and 150$ respectively

After reading a million reviews, with different POV, after testing without volume matching and not blindly my different DAC/amps vs apple dongle and between each other, I understood that I don't hear enough differences with multiple DAC/amps, without proper testing I can't objectively say who is better, so I decided to lean more on the practical side, I can spend more time with headphones and on my life instead of testing DAC/amps, so I have gone for a beautiful minimalistic design and HUGEEE volume knob for excellent comfort and enough power for most headphones on the market, that's all that I want from my chain

I love my Element to death and don't plan to buy anything else for desktop use until it will break, then without spending time on any reviews would buy the next Element iteration which would be called something like 'Element X'.

Edit:I don't know why my image after uploading got skewed to the left, can't fix this