
vavverro t1_j2dexay wrote

Well, I would argue that possibly at very early age there’s no yet fully formed concept of self consciousness, and by the time it develops, the child is already culturally primed to such an extent that it can’t help but have same mental concepts as all adults.

Its fascinating how sometimes things that we feel to be natural and innate to human nature are actually culture-based. There are societies where they don’t have notions for left and right, they perceive sides of objects and their own bodies in terms of global directions. And stuff like that.


vavverro t1_j2d5fft wrote

It’s a cultural thing. Not a “healthy human” thing. We think that way because it’s a common knowledge now, and feels self evident. Google cardiocentric theory. Ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks believed that the source of thought and emotion was the heart, and that it controls movement.