
vercertorix t1_ja1lp0r wrote

Well, everyone who sees this and tries to give you advice is pretty much a hypocrite, but yeah, I do find that if I actually put my tablet down and do some of the hobby stuff I spend so much time looking up, I do get a lot more done, but sometimes it is nice to chat a bit about common interests and that can be a little motivational, just seeing there are others into the same stuff. All I can suggest, hypocritically, is to limit yourself, set time restrictions or when you catch yourself maybe looking up something about a hobby, just stop, and actually do it. Going to do that right now actually.


vercertorix t1_ja1l02x wrote

If people went for it, I’d learn it as a universal language, we could all be learning it from childhood along with our native language and all be on even ground professionally, though it seems like inevitably we’d start asking ourselves why we’re bothering with our native languages, maybe not all of us, but enough to started sliding into a single language planet with a few holdouts.


vercertorix t1_ja1kd1j wrote

From what I’ve seen machine translators are not currently always clear on the jargon for each subject matter, that is, as in an example from a movie I heard, to some people a floater is a dead body taken out of the water while to some it’s someone who works as a freelancer. Similarly, different professions use the same words differently and machine translation can miss the context. Potentially it could be trained to recognize it, but might take a lot of effort and language keeps evolving. Beyond that sometimes it needs to know not to translate something, names of towns, acronyms, etc. Not saying it can’t be done, but I think that especially in professional jargon heavy documents and speech, there might be a higher concentration of word choice mistakes. Potentially, that could be helped with a simple “Profession” selector, but you’d have to build lexicons for each and keep it up to date, for every language, and if you change topics you might have to manually change. I wouldn’t make that automatic or I’m betting if they happen to use a couple words fitting another topic it might accidentally trigger a change, and suddenly you’re using nautical navigation terms, while they’re talking about cooking seafood.


vercertorix t1_j1xz3rd wrote

Ask an air traffic controller if that’s a good idea. People like to say, well the AI can do it, and I’ll admit I’m not as read up on it as I could be, but from what I know of remote sensing platforms, satellites used for mapping and that kind of thing, they couldn’t always tell rooftops from roads, sometimes even trees from roads. Try using the voice input on your phone or something and see if it always picks up what you say correctly. Anytime it doesn’t get it right, imagine that’s someone flying into a building because the sensors couldn’t quite figure out the terrain in front of them. Besides that, even planes with autopilot have pilots to take over if they’re not working right, so now everyone needs a pilot’s license, and if the car is just having engine trouble it still crashes.


vercertorix t1_iy938s9 wrote

Don’t forget stolen from your parents and siblings, you can’t go outside unless allowed, can’t hang out with your own kind unless allowed, little choice in what you eat and usually it’s the same crap every day, basically you have about as many choices as are allowed human prisoners, though probably comfier digs.

Oh and some people are shitty or even sadistic pet owners. And you don’t get to complain about that either. And some people will put you down rather than pay for a slightly expensive medical procedure.