
videovillain t1_jdxrc2i wrote

You do that, not someone else. You literally can count the amount of times a publication was cited and then check for what type of citation. You can literally count the amount of articles published by an author and the citations of each work, etc. there is no way to just “find the one person who already knows all this”

Sure there are plenty of people who have done it, but you can’t “vet” them unless they are also making peer reviewed publications, so you’ve gotta do it yourself anyway as if they are publishing, you’ll get to there content by doing the above anyway.


videovillain t1_jdxqqk7 wrote

Actually, many journals are publications by experts in their field on specific topics and not always a report on “findings” but a “state of the ‘topic/theme/industry’ as they see it with supporting sources.” While other journals are filled with reviews of such material.

Basically, you just gotta start digging in to specific topics on the peer reviewed databases and you’ll soon see they are easier to read than you’d expect, and come with the bonus of citations to supportive works you can then go dig into. Making it actually even easier to research a topic once you get started!


videovillain t1_jdv3v1u wrote

This is the best answer IMO.

  1. Find a book/author you are interested in checking
  2. Search for other peer reviewed publications by the author
  3. Search peer reviewed databases for citations of that book

The more peer reviewed publications from that author, usually the better. It means they are masters in their field and aren’t afraid to have their peers check their work. It also gives you more references to pull from in your own research.

The more times the book is cited, usually the better. However, check the citations to see if they are using them as reference and verification or refuting something from it.

To be honest, it sounds like what you really need to be doing is searching specific topics on peer reviewed databases and just digging in!

Some spots to check:

  • JSTOR - “Journal Storage” provides access to journal articles, books, images, and primary sources
  • APA - American Psychological Association has essential psychological content to support research, education, practice, and general wellbeing
  • PubMed - National Library of Medicine comprises biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books
  • Cambrige - Cambridge Core is the home of academic content from Cambridge University Press with research and academic information from journal articles and books
  • Cochrane - gathers and summarizes the best evidence from research to help you make informed choices through systematic reviews and meta-analysis of existing research
  • ERIC - Education Resources Information Center provides access to bibliographic records of journal and non-journal literature from 1966 to the present
  • Scopus - combines a comprehensive, expertly curated abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature