
visarga t1_iwdt41n wrote

Sometimes people say "Language models are like parrots. They learn patterns, but could never do something novel or surpass their training data."

This is proof that it is possible. What you need is to learn from validation. This process can be applied to math and code because complex solutions might have trivial validations.

When you don't have a symbolic way to validate the solution, you can ensemble a bunch of solutions and choose the one who appears most frequently.


visarga t1_iwamsbt wrote

You say it's enough to import a pretrained transformer from HuggingFace. I say not even that, you don't need to create a dataset and train a model in most cases, just try a few prompts on GPT-3.

In the last 4 years I worked on an information extraction task, created in-house dataset, and surprise - it seems GPT-3 can solve the task without any fine-tuning. GPT-3 is eating the regular ML engineer and labeller work. What's left to do, just templating prompts in and parsing text out?


visarga t1_iw8v2tm wrote

Reply to comment by AkaneTori in Ai art is a mixed bag by Nintell

> non artists invading the space

Many people using AI art generators do it for personal enjoyment, it's one-use art then throw it away, sightseeing, imagination fun. Or to see themselves and their loved ones in all sorts of imaginary situations and costumes. Not trying to take over professional art.


visarga t1_iw8l43h wrote

You forgot the third element here: technology marching forward. Discoveries coming one by one from everywhere, USA, Europe, China, from universities, from companies, from hackers teaming up with visionary investors. It's impossible to get everyone to stop developing these models. If one of them disagrees, then releases a trained model, it becomes impossible to control how it is used. We already have pretty powerful models into the wild, nobody can put them back. What I mean is that technology, through 1000 forces, will march progress ahead no matter if we like it or not.

It might not be apparent but a ML engineers jobs are being "taken away" by GPT-3 at a huge speed. What used to take months to code and years to label can be achieved with a prompt and no training data today. No need to know PyTorch, Keras or Tensorflow. No need to know exactly the architecture of the network or how it was trained. This used to be the bread of many ML engineers. So it's not just artists. We all have to be assimilated by the new technology and find our new place.


visarga t1_iw6cj8l wrote

That's easy.

Neural nets before 2012 were small, weak and hard to train. But in 2012 we got a sudden jump in accuracy by 10% in image classification. In the next 2 years all ML researchers switched to neural nets and all papers were about them. This period lasted 5 years in total and scaled models from the size of an "ant" to that of a "human". Almost all fundamentals of neural nets were discovered during this time.

But in 2017 we got the transformer, this led to unprecedented scaling jumps, from the size of a "human" to that of a "city". By 2020 we had GPT-3 and today, just 5 years later from transformer, we have multiple generalist models.

On a separate arc, reinforcement learning, we got the first breakthroughs in 2013 with Deep Q-Learning from DeepMind on Atari games and by 2015 we had AlphaGo. Learning from self play has been proven to be amazing. There is cross pollination between large language models and RL. Robots with GPT-3 strapped on top can do amazing things. GPT-3 trained in self-play like AlphaGo can improve its ability to solve problems. It can already solve competition level problems in math and code.

The next obvious step is a massive video model, both for video generation and for learning procedural knowledge - how to do things step by step. YouTube and other platforms are full of video, which is a multi-modal format of image, audio, voice and text captions. I expect these models to revolutionise robotics and desktop assistants (RPA), besides media generation.


visarga t1_iw6ab1o wrote

Maybe state of the art foundation models are hard to do without deep pockets, but applications built on these models are 100x easier to make now than before. I mean, you just tell it what you want. That's lowering the entry barrier for the public. Everyone can get in on it.

Used to be necessary to collect a dataset, create a custom architecture, train many models, pick the best, iterate on the dataset, etc to get to the same results. The work of months or years compressed into a prompt. It's not just artists that are being automated, traditional ML engineers too.

The only solution for ML eng is to jump on top of GPT-3 and its family, no more work left to do at a lower level. I am talking from personal experience, 4 years old project with 5 engineers and 3 labellers was solved at first sight by GPT-3 with no tuning. Just ask it nicely, it's all you have to do now.


visarga t1_iw4kyc3 wrote

> There are billions of images on the web and you could spend your whole life browsing through what has been uploaded to this point, without even considering what will be uploaded in the coming years

That's a very good argument why this whole reaction against AI art is overblown. What's a few billion extra AI images on top of the billions already out there? Not like we were lacking choice before.

But AI to the rescue - have you seen how nice it is to browse by selecting "Explore this style" on an image? It's like an AI Pinterest. AI can help you find the art you like among the billions of images out there.


visarga t1_iw4jdkc wrote

Copyright law generally protects the fixation of an idea in a “tangible medium of expression,” not the idea itself, or any processes or principles associated.

Neural networks don't store images inside, they decompose these images into elementary concepts and then recompose new images from such concepts. Basically they learn the unprotected part of the training set.

Think about it in size: 4 billion images shrunk into 4GB, that means a measly byte per input image. Not even a full pixel! It certainly has no space to store those images. It can only store general principles.

Getting offended for having a single byte learned from one of your images seems unjustified. On the other hand it looks ugly how pre-AI artists are gatekeeping the new wave of AI assisted artists. Let people eat cake.


visarga t1_iw4gbng wrote

Before the PC there were plenty of professional typists and secretaries. Their jobs disappeared or were transformed, and we got an even larger number of office jobs on PC.

Generative AI will support jobs in many fields - medicine, design, advertising, hobbies and fan fiction. Art itself might get a paradigm shift soon, as humans strive to find something AI can't do. The same happened when photography was popularised, and look how many more uses photography has then painting used to have.


visarga t1_iw01ajr wrote

There are some classes of problems where you need a "tool AI", something that will execute commands or tasks.

But in other situations you need an "agent AI" that interacts with the environment over multiple time steps. That would require a perception-planning-action-reward loop. It would allow interaction with other agents through the environment. The agent would be sentient - it has perception and feelings. How could it have feelings? It actually predicts future rewards in order to choose how to act.

So I don't think it is possible to put a lid on it. We'll let it loose in the world in order to act as an agent, we want to have smart robots.


visarga t1_ivv8pk4 wrote

> So in that case, it could be for most people the "middle man" between user and internet.

A big danger to advertising companies, hence the glacial release pace of these language models in assistants.

> they could blast productivity and general knowledge

Already happening: you can't draw? StableDiffusion. You need help with coding? Copilot. They take skills learned from some of us and make them available to others. That makes many professionals jealous and angry.


visarga t1_ivt8r4i wrote

More recently GPT-3 can load 4000 tokens in the context. If you have a dataset of texts you can make a search engine that will put the top results in the context. Then GPT-3 can reference that and answer as if it was up to date.

Using this trick a 25x smaller model could have similar results with a big model, they had 1 trillion tokens of text in the reference.