
vkeyunl0ckslife OP t1_iy7oo79 wrote

Requoting what you said "I knew was a mistake" which means you got an clear indication this is not meant for you, if this is not even meant for you how do you expect it will get better? and by the way you had placed an "intent" on top of it "getting better actually translates to or means worse" don't you think??


vkeyunl0ckslife OP t1_ivpvwme wrote

It can happen only untill the elephant gets about the clarity about the rope, nobody is blocking you to untie the rope, all is being blocked is the clarity/logic the information required to untie the rope (what material/the strength of the rope/the life of the rope, once you have that the eliphant will no longer allow the rope to enslave it any longer πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰


vkeyunl0ckslife OP t1_ivpu0u2 wrote

Your response clearly indicates you are worried about your past and the future.

But if you take moment to analyze Can you amend the past? No Can you amend the future? Possibly all you can do is take the lessons from the past and keeping future in mind, consiously create this very moment, all you have to do is "Open the freaking gift pack" and change what exactly you worried about for a better future, can you do it? If yes, DO IT NOW πŸ™ƒ
