
vocdex OP t1_isofmvp wrote

Thanks for suggestions.

I don't have a labeled dataset but I can create one, for sure. The object here is asparagus in a greenhouse farm.

Here's the situation: I am using segmentation because in the future, I want to use this segmentation with depth maps to create point clouds. I have tried to do so with only bounding box detections but due to the presence of background and foreground pixels (different depth image values), I am getting quite bad point clouds. Then, I applied simple depth value based filter to crop out only the object without any back/foreground. This works but doesn't generalize well to all situations.

I thought that instance segmentation would give me only the object pixels and I can fuse this with depth values in order to get point clouds.

Moreover, there could be different clusters other than bent vs straight. So, I want the clustering algorithm to find those clusters in an unsupervised fashion. If this doesn't work, then yes, I guess I'll have to create a dataset and train another bent vs straight classification model.

Thanks for reading till here!


vocdex t1_irde7rd wrote

Yes, that's what I was interested in too.

I am really confused about what you are supposed to do at European Master Programmes. Is Master's only about taking courses, just like undergrad? That sucks!

In Japan, for example, students join labs from senior year in undergrad and some even gets published.