
vshk04 t1_ivyzxqc wrote

I tried posting something on the r/Paranormal a few years ago but they deleted it and banned me.

a few years ago I saw a clown in my room, I was in bed and no I want not sleepy, I JUST went to bed. the light was off but we had a light turned on in the living room so I could see properly. there was a clown string at me with a poker face, but not a scary poker face. I was frozen and I didn't really feel fear. after a few seconds it just disappeared, not that it faded away but like... as if it was never there. like he turned into the surroundings as if I was mistaken. but I know I wasn't. I saw a clown with details, eyes, nose and lips and all. I've told a few people but they legit laghed at me.


the reason I'm telling you this is that, that clown had black and white makeup.


i live in iran, if you live there or somewhere close, please let me know because i want to know if its a location thing or not.