
vt_mountain_mama t1_j7jrdoo wrote

I had a scheduled c section in Sept! My first was in Nov 19 before everything happened (not a c section).

Obviously we wore masks during preop, in the OR, and right after. Once we moved to postpartum, my husband and visitors wore masks when the nurses/docs came in, but there were times I did not (you will be covid tested upon admission). I had absolutely wonderful nurses (like in 2019), with the exception of one who was awful. I had a reaction to something and was vomiting and it was like she couldn’t be bothered. I did, however, mention it to another nurse and she rolled her eyes and remarked that it was beyond time for that nurse to retire - haha.

Overall, the care seemed like my 2019 experience and the nurses were true blessings. I still think of my L&D nurse from 2019 often (she was a god send!) and one of the overnight nurses in postpartum during my most recent birth. They both helped me through some tough stuff and were genuinely caring and compassionate women.


vt_mountain_mama t1_izrhs7w wrote

Hannaford. Between their app and Ibotta, I can get great deals. They source a lot of produce from New England and it is way better quality than PC. I find Shaws is the most pricey for what I tend to buy. We try to source meat locally, so I mostly go for produce - I do recommend the Petes Greens CSA if you want to stay really local.