
vtjohnhurt t1_j8d9k88 wrote

> Immediate flag that this is not an exchange of sincere emotion

Only if your AI is trained on a bunch of Romance Novels. The emotion behind 'Great!' depends on the tone. The word can express a range of emotions. Real people say 'Great' and mean it sincerely, sarcastically, or some other way.


vtjohnhurt t1_j8c7qrv wrote

Could the AI just be rehashing a large number of similar posts that it read on r/relationships?

If there is actual insight and reasoning here, I find it flawed. Your input only states that Bob wears the shirt whenever Sandra is home. Speaking as a human, I do not conclude that he takes the shirt off as soon as she leaves.

I'm a human and I've been married twice. One time we got a dog after the wedding. The second time I had a dog before the wedding. The fact that Sandra and Bob married suggests that they both feel positive about dogs. Feelings about pets is a fundamental point of compatibility in a relationship and it probably as important as have a common interest in making babies.


vtjohnhurt t1_iw3qy28 wrote

>The air driven heat pumps don't heat efficiently once you get below freezing.

Your information is out-of-date. The current generation of heat pumps do not have this problem.

>As long as your house is properly air-sealed and insulated, an air-source heat pump can perform well beyond temperatures of -13 degrees Fahrenheit! If you live in extreme cold, you may need to use supplemental heat, or what’s called a dual-fuel system (or consider switching to a ground-source heat pump).


https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/ will provide in depth consultation of installation of air source heat pumps in existing homes.


vtjohnhurt t1_iw2xtp1 wrote

I installed geothermal heat (and air conditioning) in a new house back before the newer air source heat pumps were available. We also installed some solar panels so we had zero annual fuel bills. Solar panels generated excess to our needs power for most of the year. We would draw down that net-metering credit during the heating season. We used the AC for very few days. House was very well insulated.

I'm no expert, but I'd guess that the newer air source heat pumps are almost certainly more cost-effective than geothermal for a home (if you have a place to put the outside unit). A huge upfront cost+disruption for ground source heat pump is the installation of the 'ground loop' and you don't have that for air source heat pump. Geothermal might make sense on a large commercial building.

https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/ will answer your questions objectively. They're not trying to sell you anything.


vtjohnhurt t1_ivzx35c wrote

The WA CO Sheriff is the only LEO that I've ever seen in Warren/Waitsfield. They set speed traps for leaf peepers, skiers and locals. I think they may also ticket people who park in the traveled lane on VT100 at Warren Falls. Both of these are useful functions. They're probably not needed where there are municipal LEOs.


vtjohnhurt t1_ivoexo1 wrote

If the US Congress made federal law that allowed/prohibited abortion, would it override state constitutions? Federal laws override state laws because of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supremacy_Clause

I believe the Vermont Constitution is just the supreme state law of Vermont so the Supremacy Clause would overrule it. The Republicans won't have a super majority to override a Biden veto.


vtjohnhurt t1_iud87kd wrote

I don't know if this is actually true, but it makes sense to preferentially accept and educate some students that have family ties to the state even if out-of-staters have better scores. Students from Vermont are more likely to stay in the state after college. It is in the state's interest to have a better educated workforce living here even if they're not the best and brightest in the nation.

On the other hand, there are benefits to admitting some highly qualified students from out of state, so a balance needs to be struck. A rising tide lifts all boats.


vtjohnhurt t1_itaea4t wrote

Are those offenses anywhere in the criminal code of justice? Maybe somebody can sue him civilly for damages.

If he had put poison in the water, he would have broken the law. The water he treated was biologically safe.not contaminated.

Dereliction of Duty might be part of military code of justice.


vtjohnhurt t1_isjeokq wrote

Reply to comment by Nauticalknots in Where to stay ? by qtrturntime

Most Vermonters put snow tires on their car before late December and a snowstorm can easily add travel time (several hours is unlikely but possible). A local will wait until the snowstorm stops and the roads are cleared but a visitor will often plow on to their destination in the worst driving conditions. Having skidded off the interstate once in a similar scenario (I-79 in PA), I recommend snowtires and anticipation of extra travel time. Snow driving experience/abilities is another factor to consider.

IMO Woodstock is probably nicer and more interesting for the first time visitor.


vtjohnhurt t1_ishqhyv wrote

If you're coming from the South, Stowe can be several more hours of driving past Woodstock (in bad weather). That time of year you should plan for snow on the roads. You'll probably want real snow tires, not all-season tires.