
vw_bugg t1_iz0y3bc wrote

I am mostly interested in the micro reactors and the molten salt reactors. You know, the ones that physically can't "melt down" and destroy a continent for generations to come and the generations to come.

Anytime people hear nuclear they think chernobyl or japan. These were mild compared to what one of those full sized plants are capable of. People just dont know we are moving away from something of that scale and type.


vw_bugg t1_iwd12vv wrote

The bees are raised solely in labs over the last 50 years. They have no access to nature. They have no idea why they dont live longer. I read it. And i dont see anything agaisnt my point.


vw_bugg t1_iwcjjjd wrote

I'd like to also add another bit of interest since you wanted to "know more". Proof in someways on how important gut bacteria is to our overall health. There exists a treatment for people with intestinal issues which, summed up, is essentially a poop transplant. They take some from a very healthy person and seed your gut with it. All that healthy bacteria take hold and suddenly you are functioning significantly better.

(First link i found, in sure theres better ones) https://www.puretyclinic.com/fecal-transplant-fmt-santa-barbara


vw_bugg t1_iwciqyp wrote

The answer is absolutely yes. There have been some good links posted. Hopefully the next few years there will be more research as we finally acknowledge that our gut is essentially a second brain that needs to be kept healthy and functioning. Artificial sweetners, corn syrup, fried crap, poor diet is just not good on so many levels. Your gut bactiria actually help you digest food and directly affect you via chemicals and nutrients released. Its a wholistic system that we may never fully understand but we are getting there.



vw_bugg t1_iwcayov wrote

Its almost as if over time, an animal species with no access to their natural environment, diet, and sources of nessacary items are just not as healthy. Perhaps there are things about the bees we just don't understand. If humans were kept and bred in a lab, and fed purified crap generation to generation, they would have problems too. Humans have all sorts of things living in and on our body helping us to function normally. Is it not the same for bees?
