
waffebunny t1_jbve4uv wrote

I’m most likely preaching to the choir here, but:

Republicans have only one goal: to tilt the balance of power in favor of themselves (and potentially their base); either by granting themselves more influence, or by stripping it from others.

This is why they claim to value tradition, moderation, small government, fiscal responsibility, and family values: because their actual agenda is wholly unappealing to anyone outside their group.

As we can see in the example above however, Republicans will quickly betray their own purported values when doing so will forward their efforts to seize power.


waffebunny t1_j6118ve wrote

I’m sorry you find yourself in that situation, friend.

Perhaps you could still cut contact? (This far into your life, you may have laid down roots that you cannot now pull up. However, you might also have access to resources that your younger self didn’t - like the funds necessary to secure a restraining order!)


waffebunny t1_j610mu6 wrote

We don’t know the details; so it could indeed be more complicated. Judgement should be reserved.

I will note as an aside that it is entirely possible for toxic individuals to search for people that have cut contact with them.

(Perhaps they are doing so as a way to reestablish control over the other party; perhaps they genuinely care, and are simply blind to their own toxicity.)


waffebunny t1_j1nizv5 wrote

Agreed! For an individual to be wrongly convicted requires multiple institutions to fail in lockstep (i.e. the police, the prosecution, the courts).

Why would we task this same organizations with investigating such instances? Oversight should be conducted by an independent entity (preferably one with federal-level authority; and staffed by individuals removed from law enforcement / prosecution).