
wafflesandbrass t1_iyarlk9 wrote

Ooh! I was about to mention this, and I'm impressed that someone beat me to it. My great grandfather worked in the mine at Estevan during that time. My great grandmother took shelter with my great aunt, her infant daughter, behind a façade on a roof. Good thing she did, too. My great grandfather was not hurt. He was actually one of a couple of people who stayed behind at the mine to operate some piece of equipment that could not be left alone for safety reasons (not sure what it was exactly).

Edit: Another detail I remember is that the people who were shot dead by the RCMP (six people, I believe) were all buried in the same spot. People put up grave markers that said "shot by the RCMP." The markers kept getting taken down, and people kept putting up new ones to replace them.

Edit 2: That great aunt is still alive. I can actually call her up and see what she remembers.