
wageslave2022 t1_j2ys8jj wrote

How much do you think that the price of a dozen eggs is going to climb to? How many eggs do you eat in a week? I'm not a rocket surgeon or mathematician but if you figure the cost of the chickens and the cost of chicken feed and a $1700 shipping container and the cost of shipping the shipping container then you could pay $25 a dozen for the next 10 years before you see a nickel in money saved and if you say that they taste so much better than store bought then you aren't putting enough Frank's hot sauce on them.


wageslave2022 t1_j0b0gvt wrote

Hey let's remodel the kitchen I think we can afford to... What the property tax bill came in today? And the water bill? Well we could... What do you mean heating oil is has doubled in price ? Maybe if... Why doesn't your car pass inspection we just put new snow tires on it? Frame rusted in half from road salt? What is for dinner tonight honey? Rot gut vodka was on sale at the state liquor store and we can have peanut butter sandwiches again.