
wakeuPKin t1_je2m956 wrote

This post right here... I've been looking for someone to say something about this cos I thought no way am i the only one who gets irritated by this behaviour. I myself hav happened to ask that a smoker stop from the act or ended up swapping cars. I had a conversation about this with a girl I dated and she was like it's pretty unsafe to ask they put out the blunt rather than switching cars. An unbelievable situation I had been through was when some guy at the far end was blowing blunt and I happened to stand by the door, initially wondering why the stench was so strong then figured it was coming from him. I had started at him for a hot 10sec with the intent of asking he put out the blunt, then changed my mind and said fuck it, the city itself don't give a fuck when the made it legal so who am i? But to my suprise, this guy called on me and would apologize while putting out the blunt. It was unexpected. But I happened to thank him for understanding. Hoping he realise it's wrong and wont keep on with it.