
walterbernardjr t1_j1htor5 wrote

Melrose, Wakefield, Reading, North Reading, Woburn, Burlington, Natick, Quincy.

Just named a few with houses under 1M and good schools.

Define “good schools” all the schools in Massachusetts are pretty good. You don’t even need 1.5M to live in concord or Sudbury.


walterbernardjr t1_iy35ds2 wrote

This, exactly. Thanks for adding. All our family in Vermont is at retirement age or older, and nearly all their kids have left the state. Why? Jobs. This says it all. average annual employment growth over the past five years of -1.0%. The top three sectors by total employment are Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Healthcare and Social Assistance, Manufacturing.

I think the state should look hard at what kind of incentives it can create to attract more businesses, especially in high growth sectors like tech, and healthcare.


walterbernardjr t1_iy1xjrc wrote

Airbnb’s aren’t the root cause of housing un affordability, they’re simply a contributing factor. Root cause is lack of jobs that pay enough to compensate for the houses, and lack of houses altogether. The second is a nation wide problem started in 2010, and in the 6-8 years following as we built 2-3 million fewer homes than necessary. The first is a factor of Vermont’s geography but could be improved, but what industries are driving jobs in the state? Almost nothing.

Im not saying don’t tax Airbnb’s. Im just saying it won’t solve the problem.