
waltwhitman83 t1_j2v1b16 wrote

so he went into the tackle, had trauma into his chest area, heart stopped due to the timing of the hit

we had enough blood/oxygen for like 10 seconds to stand up/move

goes down

sideline medical crew rushes over

check him for concussion/spinal injury

how many minutes between going down and getting treatment was his brain starved from oxygen

if it was more than 5 minutes, is he most likely doomed?


waltwhitman83 t1_j2uwgi2 wrote

> During this time, Mr. Hamlin will be reassessed frequently, looking at things like cranial nerve reflexes (from nerves that come directly off the brain and not the spinal cord). These include nerves that control the pupils reacting to light, eye movements, cough and gag reflexes, and blinking. If they are impaired, that’s a bad sign, as they tend to be more resilient than the “higher function” areas of the brain.

it seems highly unlikely that they'll release this information to the press/media/fans, despite the fact that basically millions of people will most likely look at football differently if a player dies from a routine tackle, no?


waltwhitman83 t1_j2uwbm3 wrote

we have no clue

  1. his preliminary CT scan results

  2. if he's had an MRI yet while intubated (unlikely)

  3. if he's being cooled or not


if there aren't reports that he's awake and off the ventilator within the next 7-10 days, is he most likely going to be a vegetable/dead or is there some kind of "healing" that could happen while he's in a coma for, 14, 21, 30+ days?


waltwhitman83 t1_j2tsdhk wrote

> He will remain induced until he can breathe on his own

I don't get this. He's in a coma, therefore he needs a ventilator.

They're going to try to bring him out of the coma, turn the ventilator off, he tries to breathe with it still in his throat, if it fails they turn it back on and put him back out?


waltwhitman83 t1_j2tbfx4 wrote

can somebody with a medical background give an update as to what we're most likely to expect in the coming updates that we're waiting for?

a quick google shows that after you are put into a medically induced coma, you usually aren't attempted to be brought out of it for at least 24-72 hours. does that mean we're facing 2 more days with no update (or more?)

did they do a scan of his brain when he arrived or not yet? are we just waiting to hear whether he sustained a brain injury or not? what other outstanding medical conditions might we be waiting to hear about? if he didn't sustain a brain injury, is he most likely to be basically 100% ok?

he's still having machines breathe for him if he's in a medically inducted coma. when they try to bring him out of the coma, will they then know if his body can breathe on its own?

those seem to be the 2 biggest unknown things from what i've read/gathered. would love if somebody more in the know could shed more detail.