
warqueen24 t1_jdxpi33 wrote

Thank you, I really appreciate it! I’ve started therapy and it’s going only so-so, afraid it won’t help. But I’m going to keep trying to make myself better. I feel I’m so behind but I’m also only 23, and I know if I start now least I’ll be in a better place even 5 years down the road. My fear is things not changing or getting better, but hope is a powerful thing so I’m trying to nurture and grow it rather than loose it.

Fear is an ugly thing, I’m trying to let go of it slowly bc it really holds you back. Countering it with hope helps, least I’m hoping it will XD

Thanks so much! 💜🔥

To inspiring and getting inspired ~


warqueen24 t1_jdxlz1f wrote

Thanks for this OP, I’m in a pretty bad place in life rn mentally, but I want to get better ❤️‍🩹 and heal. This post was really great - it’s so easy to forget how beautiful life can be, there’s so much out there to see and do. Gratitude really is great, I want to start with it more myself.