
wederservebetter OP t1_ivh6psk wrote

I fought against city council years ago because they let a developer destroy my neighborhood and lost a lot of money on my home because of it. Why shouldn't we fight?

Not one of those council members would want commercial development next to their homes. We have a right to fight against these money grabbing people.


wederservebetter OP t1_ivg1lvi wrote

My follow up would be: How close are the other residential properties to this, And how do those property owners feel about it?

Edit: I ask this because as a property owner myself, I know what it's like to fight and lose against city council issues like this. Most of them only care about how much money it will make the city, not about how much money the neighbors will lose on their investments.

Thank you for the replies. The neighbors are against it and therefore I will vote NO on Question 1