
weneedsound t1_jcuix6y wrote

Nashua is the town/city that borders Hollis. Median income in Nashua is 36k, median income in Hollis is 140k. They are starkly different towns. Hollis is a NIMBY town, with a rural feel. 'Farming community' which really equates to wealthy buying up the farm land and building their mansions in the middle of a field. That said, the motel is something you drive past when going to Hollis, immediately entering Hollis from Broad St, it goes from suburb sprawl, to farm land.


weneedsound t1_jcui1bz wrote

No, the lake is spring fed and doesn't stay cold enough, so cyanobacteria is a problem. Before regulations locked things down, people bought land and built homes right up against the edge of the lake. Many of the houses are little fishing shacks, probably built in the 50s. The septic systems are most likely grandfathered in. The lake is being monitored/studied by the state university, hopefully they'll figure out the source of the issues. I would not recommend swimming there, feels like swimming in warm bathwater mid summer.


weneedsound t1_jcufpf1 wrote

I live in Hollis. This B&B is on Broad St, which is a main road from the highway into Hollis. This B&B is in an old historical farm house. I would say this is a pricing error. Hollis is a small town, and there isn't a whole lot going on here, it is a nice town for raising a family, but not a tourist destination. I think it is more suited for people visiting family in town.