
wessex464 t1_jd9hmq0 wrote

This is a batshit stupid idea completely devoid of an ounce of logical thought. The no man's land between highways is dangerous to access, varies immensely in quality, is FREQUENTLY visited by vehicles at high speed during accidents, and would be massively inefficient to run power through. That's to say nothing about the impact of slinging salt all over the entirety of the infrastructure every winter.l which would destroy everything.

Maine has plenty of unused land to solar farm, this is literally one of the worst places to put it.

Find a capped landfill, out of service PFAS infested farmland or literally one of the billions of acres of cheap rural land that's accessible and safe.


wessex464 t1_ja9r0ze wrote

I just poke at it with a screw driver to find rot, you can easily tell because rot just crumbles/falls apart. I just did this last year with my deck and I had to sister some boards in places where I found a bit of rot at the surface that would affect the deck boards sitting flat but not impacting the strength of the joist itself.


wessex464 t1_iy972cn wrote

While echoing everyone else(you can't afford this, it's a financially stupid decision), if you are deadset on being stupid at least you are doing your shopping.

Check your local credit unions. I just spent the last month rate shopping for a used auto and found a local CU with surprisingly great rates for used autos and pretty decent rates for RV's depending on year of the RV, starting at 3.6% for <10yr old RV's and 6.9% for >10 year old.

Your credit score is going seriously hurt you, also your DTI likely implies long loan which usually means higher rate. You are basically in the worst position possible for RV shopping, at a shitty time to be RV shopping.


wessex464 t1_ixjk4jz wrote

Walmart strikes again? These people are hitting a stationary stop sign. Frankly it's doing the community a service by getting literal idiots off the road.


wessex464 t1_ixhw7p6 wrote

"we thank you for choosing Spectrum".

No, I didn't have a choice, you have a monopoly and you only need just enough customer service to not get into trouble with regulatory bodies.

They know you can't go anywhere else, why should they care?


wessex464 t1_iup77rr wrote

Lots of parking garages have those bars that hang from above that basically indicate "if you hit this you'll get stuck in the garage". You could do one of those that hits most 18 wheelers somewhere before the notch but on the road up. Obviously it will need a wide shoulder or something to drive around for stuff that isn't hauling a 52 ft trailer but this would at least get the attention of every 18 wheeler headed up the mountain.


wessex464 t1_itt9ggj wrote

You are providing some amount of consent when you ask them to go verify. You are telling them to minimally verify that the bill belongs to you, that's what asking them to validate the debt means and hospitals are explicitly allowed to share this information just like they do with your employer for workers comp issues, insurance agencies for payment, etc etc etc.

Health privacy is not some magic button that shuts everything off. The hospital isn't going to say they saw you for jock itch and nurse Esmeralda dingled your berries, but they absolutely can share that they saw you for a specialty exam, billing code 123, on date 12/12/12, they verified it was you, billed your insurance and that their records show you never paid the remaining balance. That's a verified debt for the purposes of proving that you owe money.


wessex464 t1_itt0142 wrote

That's not true at all. I don't know where you got that story, but its entirely not accurate. The hospital can easily verify that you were seen and what the bill is and it happens every day. You may have gotten lucky with an incompetent debt collector, but that doesn't mean everyone will have the same result.

Edit: Here's HHS saying the same thing:



wessex464 t1_itszm15 wrote

Sleuth is straight up not correct. Think about this for a second, do you really think there is some magical get out of medical debt free loophole? Of course not, that's absurd. Regardless of the experience he/she has had or a few friends have had, this isn't actually a thing. You may get lucky and the debt collector may not have the proper paperwork for the debt or you may irritate them enough that they stop bothering you, but they absolutely can and do verify these debts every day. It's worth a shot to ask(in writing) to verify it, but don't expect some magic "gotcha" to happen.