
wh7y t1_jdgiw0b wrote

I don't think your food is getting cold if you're getting it in a timely fashion. Perhaps you're sensitive to food temp, and if so maybe you should choose a different service to get food delivered or go out to eat. App delivery people don't have the same level of scrutiny or responsibility and the service level has degraded quite a bit since they've been introduced. I avoid them if I can.

You're right about the danger though. I would imagine all of the danger of a delivery transaction is toward the delivery person and not the receiver. As a former delivery guy in my youth, I did not have time to commit crimes even if I wanted to, nor would I have gotten away with it.


wh7y t1_j7xhs7w wrote

Yeah if a couple is making 150k each they could afford 4k rent fairly easily and maybe even save. There are many couples like this out there.

I think it's tough because these rents are exorbitant and we need to build housing, but there are many very well paid and wealthy people in this city.


wh7y t1_j0xu1ry wrote

This is the problem.

There will simply be a point where AI will be so quickly proficient at all human achievable tasks that retraining won't even matter, billions of humans will simply become redundant in the global economy almost overnight. When that happens what do we do? Do we support people through end of life? Do we democratize AI and it's ability to enhance our lives? Or do we descend into chaos?

I actually think that the AI researchers will quickly become redundant themselves. Hopefully they have some money saved.


wh7y t1_itv7qmi wrote

3K is one of the most important things we could fund in our society. In 15 years we will see the benefits and it will be non-debatable. We should be attempting to find any way to pay for this possible.

Early schooling has time and time again shown to be a key indicator in future success.