
whatsaphoto t1_j7pbm3e wrote

My partner and I were flying out of TF Green last weekend and stopped by Providence Provisions at Gate 11. They were trying to sell 2 all the way for $15 bucks. We couldn't help but laugh lmao.


whatsaphoto t1_j5ozo8m wrote

These folks just want to protect drag performers who have been historically targeted by hate groups while also having the audacity to believe housing and healthcare should be affordable.

For gods sake they're not after the second coming of the national socialist party you donut. Get a grip.


whatsaphoto t1_j5oz2tg wrote

> I love Marvel movies, don't get me wrong. But, what are modern kids going to think of super heroes when they grow up? Will they think that all adults dress extravagantly when fighting crime? Or that super heroes are magical crime fighting wizards?

See how silly it sounds? It's almost as if kids develop rational thought as they age that allows them to compartmentalize what is rational and what isn't.


whatsaphoto t1_j4q59iw wrote

I think this is just groupthink mixed with the fact that no other place do we operate like we do at bars where we just casually walk up to the general vicinity of the register and wait for the customer service person to come to us as opposed to the other way around.

Patiently queuing is the natural, organized way of things in nearly every other aspect of life when it comes to goods and services, so it only makes sense that younger folks who haven't regularly been to bars to drink yet would do the same after every other place they've been to in their life so far has insisted on single-file queuing in order to pay for things.

Alls to say, we all had to learn these unspoken rules at some point. Give the young people a break, we were all there at one point or another 😊


whatsaphoto t1_j4q4jpn wrote

> Things would take much longer if each person had to wait for the person in front of them to move.

Would it though? I could see if there are many bartenders yeah a single file queue would get clogged pretty quickly, but if there's only one person serving they'll only have so much power to get so many people's orders out the door before moving onto the next person. I can't imagine it taking longer/shorter if there were an organized queue or not, there's still going to be time taken to take the order, get the drink, open/close the tab and move on. It's unorthodox, sure, but it doesn't really feel like this should be something worth calling out tbh.
