
whatsasimba t1_ja8gye4 wrote

Tho original comment is gone, so posting this here.

I was in school in the 80s. Bullied horribly (including physical violence). I finally dropped out in my junior year. You hear about it more, because we have faster/more modes of communication (used to be just whatever made it to national news at 6 and 11) and more modes of capturing evidence. Think about that case where the girl goaded her boyfriend into suicide. This could have happened in the 1970s over the phone. No one would know about it. There would have been no evidence.


whatsasimba t1_j9umb7d wrote

I ordered Starbucks delivered once during the pandemic, but felt weird just getting a coffee, so I also got an iced coffee, two food things (bfast, and lunch) and a pound of coffee to make it $30, and i left a 10 dollar tip (it's a mile away).

This isn't medication, or even groceries. It's overpriced coffee, a luxury item we buy with our disposable income. An actual human is spending gas, time, and wear and tear on their car. Even with a 30% tip, it's costing them money to deliver it.


whatsasimba t1_iy6guzf wrote

I'm not OP, but I had to put bells on the kitties who came to live here, because they were scaring the crap out of my half-blind pup. She came from an abusive situation (which is how she came to be blind in one eye) and is pretty timid most of the time. Every once in a while, one of the cats would suddenly appear in her field of vision, and she chose violence.


whatsasimba t1_ixsty9y wrote

I'm 50, a homeowner, and I fix my own stuff. This is above your pay grade. It's also not something you did. These should be installed properly. Tell your dad I said that.

But tell him as soon as possible, because a loose wire could cause serious problems.