
whatsup5555555 t1_jbsunu0 wrote

Why should we be especially concerned about CRISPR based variants?

We should be concerned bc this technology could potentially create a new class of human. The ultra rich could alter genetics to produce offspring that are predisposed to genius IQ, immunity to disease, height and strength advantages, and a whole slew of other “desirable traits”. While the rich already receive better healthcare they are still stuck with the genes that they inherited, both good and bad.


whatsup5555555 t1_ja5jmyn wrote

So you’re in favor for half of your “team” to have a different political leaning then your own. It’s easy to say that you want a culturally diverse team and it’s another to actually assemble one. It’s easy to pick people on surface level features like skin color but it’s much more difficult to balance political ideology, hence the clear bias that the AI already exhibits. The tech industry is already heavily left leaning but I guess no one cares as long as your bias is the one winning. So keep fighting for your skewed view of equality!


whatsup5555555 t1_ja5hqkt wrote

Hahahahahah “can’t make this shit up “. Please elaborate on how idiot or fuck tard is discriminatory to a group of people. People like you are a absolute joke to everyone that doesn’t exist in your overly sensitive liberal bubble of extreme intolerance to any opinions outside your clown bubble of acceptance. So again I say hahahah you are a complete joke. Go cry in your safe space and continue to enjoy the smell of your own flatulence.


whatsup5555555 t1_ja33yke wrote

You are a complete idiot. That tiny pea inside your nearly empty skull tells you that it’s ok to discriminate against a particular race of people. So just_thisGuy go ahead and say this next line out loud “I’m a racist” . What fuck tards like yourself, who are completely void of any ability to process the garbage they consume from mainstream media don’t realize is that once society tolerates discrimination or racism based on specific criteria it opens the door for more discrimination and hate based on whatever criteria the masses excuse at the moment.
