
whodattguy t1_ja41woc wrote

Government does the people’s will. Government employs individuals to do the will of the people. That doesn’t mean that those that work for government don’t get paid.

You get paid to do the will of the people. If you don’t want to pay government workers then purchase robots and AI to do that work for us. People get compensated. Period.


whodattguy t1_ja3zwfl wrote

Servants get paid. Pay me $1,000,000 and I’ll serve you too.

You’re thinking of Slaves, not servants.

This is a free market. If the government wants servants they can compete for talent just like private businesses.

I’m not a fan of the mayor or the brother being in that position but public servants get paid. Suggestion to the contrary is crazy.


whodattguy t1_j5d033u wrote

Reply to comment by lolaya in Yale by thug_nificent

I think the argument is that they should be paying >100 million per year. So why not raise it to improve the rest of the city which would benefit Yale as well.


whodattguy t1_iuf7r0w wrote

I too found Yonkers site confusing at first (and still do in many cases) but

  1. You don’t live in bronxville and pay yonkers taxes. You live in Yonkers and have a bronxville postal address. the bronxville post office services your USPS mail delivery. You’re zoned to Yonker’s school system. You vote for the mayor of Yonkers not bronxville.

I used to live nearby. Use the address to your advantage like everyone in these areas do but be real with your self. The great thing is that that part of Yonkers is an amazing place to live. It’s awesome. Those who say otherwise have shit that don’t stink or are just plain ignorant. I love the place and been really happy living in Yonkers.

  1. Get the RecycleCoach app and select your zip code. That’s the only way I know when garbage/recycle is being collected. You’re not going to find a better source. Here is the 2022 Yonkers recycle guide and the A-Z guide.

Garbage bins are limited to 35/40 gallons. It’s hard to find that at HomeDepot and Lowe’s so just get what they have. Sanitation has been cool about 45 gallon bins. Go to their refuse page for other resources and don’t be afraid to call their number to find out more. They’re pretty helpful.

  1. There is no separate bill for trash pickup. If you want to take anything to the dumpster/recycling center, it’s free but you can’t go in a commercial vehicle (like uhaul). Friday is bulk trash day and you call to schedule a pickup of large appliances.

Happy to help with any other Yonkers/ Westchester related questions and recommendations.


whodattguy t1_iqtk5uw wrote

How does this guy, who lives in Harlem, exploit a weakness in a post office in Castle Hill without assistance? It’s the only part of his plan that didn’t sounds incredibly idiotic (target PO far from home). But it doesn’t make sense that he was able to do that alone with no help when he fucked up in so many ways.


whodattguy t1_iqldtov wrote

Reply to comment by garySilver in history of Yonkers by garySilver

I have visited those areas but haven’t spent enough time to really understand the dynamics. I hope to volunteer in some organizations downtown but my calls aren’t being returned.


whodattguy t1_iql16yo wrote

Last city in America? I highly doubt that. Maybe at the time when the documentary was filmed.

Good to create awareness anyway.

As a person of color who moved here recently, I love Yonkers. I know that there are real issues in many communities but overall it’s fantastic and I don’t see enough pride in its residents.

Yes, there’s crime but that’s concentrated in an important but relatively small area of Yonkers.

Yes, there is transfer tax and income tax here but property taxes are much lower than your neighboring towns/cities which makes up for it.

Yes, the school system is poorly rated but ask any teacher and they’ll tell you that it’s heavily influenced by standardized test score of 1) students who don’t have English speaking parents that can tutor their child or 2) students of lower economic means with parents that have to work as much as possible to make enough to survive. Less support at home equates to lower grade. But, that doesn’t mean that you have bad teachers. I see that there are plenty of high achieving students who go on to great schools. I know the issue isn’t just that simple but your child can thrive here if you provide the tutoring and support. I don’t blame the parents that want peace of mind. All I say is look at the issues critically.

Yonkers has the some of best malls, pizzeria, movie theatre, supermarket, and entertainment in the area. If not, there’s no reason why you can’t venture over to a neighboring town. You’re close to all that Westchester has to offer and so close to NYC as well.