
whydoievenreply t1_jdx0mje wrote

>First off, how do you prevent people from returning to a capitalist society, forming their own states or even ensure the core idea of equal distribution?

By virtue of people having better lives. They won't want to go back to wage slavery.

>What do you do when some start working more, produce desirable items and thus accumulate more wealth than others?

Nothing. You are free to accumulate as much wealth as you want.

If these answers were not the ones you've expected, may I suggest for your own personal edification and intellectual nourishment to go and read as much as possible with regards to anarcho syndicalism.

You seem to be operating under a series of misconceptions.


whydoievenreply t1_jdemk7b wrote

Now this is something I can work with.

Thanks for letting me know your thought process.

The reason why you can't examine an example of communism is because it was conceived as an utopian ideal society, therefore there could never be any examples of it in reality.

I think we are both in agreement that communism cannot be implemented. I also think we are in agreement that government tyranny is a bad thing. Putting those two things together, we can conclude that a government trying to achieve communism can only lead to disaster and that has more to do with the inherent tyranny of the government than with the idea itself.

However, there is one point I would like to raise. Socialism, unlike communism, can actually be implemented. A society based on cooperation instead of competition. Catalonia was an example of a successful yet short lived socialist society. I would argue that anthropologically speaking that has been the norm throughout history. The system brought about by capitalism is what is unnatural. Where workers are alienated from themselves and their work.


whydoievenreply t1_jdbwvlw wrote

The main problem is that people like you are unaware of anarchism. You have fallen for the Bolsheviks' propaganda that what they were doing is communism.

We can have a discussion on the merits of these systems but it seems most reactionary are wilfully locked in "they said they are socialist/communist therefore they are" as if the only requirement for these systems is that you self identify as such and never mind about changing anything.

Another deeply stupid idea that is widely accepted by these people which I am sure is profoundly insincere, is the idea that government ownership of companies results in socialism/communism and ownership of companies by private individuals is capitalism.

This gross oversimplification misses the point that if the material conditions of the workers remain the same, you just changed one capitalist boss for another. If tomorrow the company I work for is sold or taken over by the government, nothing really would change for me.

If we can have those two points clear, then we can have an honest discussion about socialism/communism. Or we can just throw feces at each other in typical Reddit fashion.
