
whyxwhy t1_j9v6pmo wrote

Take out all evil from the lowest depths of the street to the mainstream crooks and everything in between. Is there really anything else worthy to put your life towards? Otherwise I would just be living for material greed and power like the evil.

They made us this way and now they're scared of us. They took our innocence and hope for humanity to promote their small spectrum of life so that we don't feel whole. They took our trust in God and religions, medicines, and community, they took our honor in nationalism, now it's time for the meek to take from them, everything, completely.

We will act like the military, cartel, and mafia, and then when the jobs done well take our selves out and give the world back to the universe to live free without the human illness. /S

Other than that... Get pregnant. /Not /s


whyxwhy t1_j9ua7vo wrote


Also lpt don't use criminal actions to help someone. They might take it the wrong way and you'll be lucky if they understand the chaos of life and let it slide. Not everyone has a mind to withstand hard lessons sometimes it's better to just talk to someone first.

Also... Take into context mental health, fear doesn't make ADHD and depression symptoms go away.

Edit- Evidently this subs likes using crime to influence people, lol.


whyxwhy t1_j9qxivx wrote

Reply to comment by Nirbhik in [Image] Do not judge by Nirbhik

Yeah exactly. But the quote might too short or not concise enough to get that point across to all viewers so for some it may come off as condescending. And I think that's was the op in this subthread meant. 🙌


whyxwhy t1_j9qpnmm wrote

Reply to comment by Nirbhik in [Image] Do not judge by Nirbhik

Not op but it seems like it's based off ego.

Why does any of that stuff matter? It seems as if the post image believes that having emotion is bad or a fault.

Emotion just is. Why would one want to remove emotion from life? Why does the post make it seem as if emotion is bad? It's as if the creator is proud to be emotionally harder and inhuman.

Seems as if the image is used as emotional abuse towards those that have natural human emotion instead of promoting actual understanding.

The post seems to contradict itself.

Any that's my over-thought answer to the question that you asked someone else. ✌️🙌

There's not enough context imo for the viewer to get or walk away with what I assume the original thinker was trying to get across.