
wickedrhody t1_j4i5j44 wrote

Oh sure, I certainly understand that concern. "Acting creepy" and actually being a pedophile are two different things. To go from the accusations shared to not being any criminally proven activity is quite a stretch.

Is possible the person is weird or is on the spectrum. Or, could possibly be a pervert. Point is though, we don't have that proof and is unfair with the information given to make the assumption of guilt.


wickedrhody t1_j4b4lg5 wrote

The OP wasn't thorough with this article.

The teacher is resigning but the investigation did not prove wrongdoing. The town has many turned every accusation into a witch hunt.

This teacher was NOT found guilty and the district seems stuck between a rock and a hard place because of the AT situation and several in the community issuing threats against the teacher and school.

Either a settlement was given to the teacher or the teacher is going to sue the shit out of the town in the near future because of the local idiots.


wickedrhody t1_iv6teca wrote

I find it more concerning that a candidate randomly "loses consciousness", kills a person and has a role in government leadership than a person who knows exactly what they did and explains it and has worked many years to improve the world around them as well as themselves.