will_write_for_tacos t1_jantlyf wrote
Reply to comment by MuppetShart in Giant Jurassic-era insect rediscovered outside Walmart in Arkansas by Hamsternoir
I thought about that, about how he'd feel so far from home, but the park I put him in is a state park that is absolutely overrun with tree frogs, so I'm sure he adjusted to his new neighborhood and made new froggy friends.
will_write_for_tacos t1_jajlt8l wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainTrips_19 in Giant Jurassic-era insect rediscovered outside Walmart in Arkansas by Hamsternoir
Yep, I've had my fair share of amphibian piss attacks over the years. Frogs, salamanders, toads, newts. I wouldn't pick them up if they'd stop getting into weird unsafe places.
will_write_for_tacos t1_jaj5r7k wrote
Reply to comment by MSGinSC in Giant Jurassic-era insect rediscovered outside Walmart in Arkansas by Hamsternoir
Probably a similar tale as the frog who i discovered on my car while going 60mph down a country road. Made the husband pull over so i could rescue him and we turned him loose at a park. Just a fat happy gray tree frog who pissed all over my hand when I plucked him from the corner of my window.
will_write_for_tacos t1_jaia8jk wrote
Reply to comment by Pickle_Slinger in Giant Jurassic-era insect rediscovered outside Walmart in Arkansas by Hamsternoir
I found a salamander in Walmart while shopping once. I picked it up and carried it around with me for a bit until I could get out of the store, walk over to the retention pond, and let him go near the water. The poor thing was drying out, I have no idea how long he'd been in the store.
Weird shit happens in Walmart.
will_write_for_tacos t1_jaevk2c wrote
>“I beseech you to find a way to turn yourself and your wee (little) one
into the police as soon as possible so you and he or she can be
protected. Only then can a process of healing and recovery begin,
however long it may take, however difficult it may be,” he added.
That baby is gone, poor dude is in denial.
will_write_for_tacos t1_jaev1of wrote
Reply to comment by Popensquat in Paving the way for the world's first RSV vaccine, FDA advisers recommend shot from Pfizer by ChangingShips
It's only going to be for 60+ like the shingles vaccine. I get RSV every time it makes the rounds despite being in my 40s! The kid gets sick, I get sick - meanwhile, my husband may get a slight sniffle. I wish they'd let me get the vaccine though, It's a long and miserable two weeks every year or so.
will_write_for_tacos t1_jbr5hrf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Centuries old human bone discovered in downtown evansville by bakerjor01
All of small-town Indiana is like that. I lived in one of the smaller communities for 10 years and every other week there was some huge meth bust going on. A couple of houses caught fire down the street and we were told it was meth-related. Hell one of the girls I went to school with, a pretty and intelligent career-minded cheerleader back in the day, ended up getting arrested for cooking meth in her house with her kids at home, fucking idiot.