
willardharrisupvotes OP t1_izxjrag wrote

I don’t believe the government should control your body whether it be abortions, vaccines, or how many times you see a doctor. I believe that the government has no right to spy on our online presence, phone calls, or texts without a warrant. I will push for a balanced budget and cut spending that doesn’t benefit the American people.


willardharrisupvotes t1_iuoq1lg wrote

Reply to comment by jttIII in Possible 2024 Run by [deleted]

I’m sorry but isn’t the right famous for attacking potential voters? As for you being a potential voter, it was clear with your question that you wouldn’t be keen to vote for me.

There is a court to decide what can take away a persons freedoms. If that court decides that someone saying they were so tired of the world and wanted to load up and end things was enough to put a red flag on them and not allow the purchase of firearms then that would be common sense. If they decided that, just like vehicles, you had to report any firearm purchase so be it. I’m not talking about taking guns away from responsible owners. I’m talking about keeping them from people who are struggling with mental issues at the time or have history of disturbing acts.

As for the purpose of 2A, it was originally written to protect the right of self defense and oppression. As other amendments from the Bill of Rights have had amendments to correct them, there is nothing in the constitution that says the right to bear arms cannot be clarified.


willardharrisupvotes t1_iuofz78 wrote

Reply to comment by jttIII in Possible 2024 Run by [deleted]

There are limits on free speech. The Supreme Court has already ruled that. He bought the gun privately and that needs to stop happening. You can lose constitutional rights; most felons cannot vote or carry guns. But I can see you have an issue with updating an amendment written by men who believed people could be property and thought a musket rifle was a powerful weapon.


willardharrisupvotes t1_iuo4meu wrote

Reply to comment by jttIII in Possible 2024 Run by [deleted]

If I were to run with that issue in my platform (which I’ve been told is a bad bet) I would increase red flag laws to stop those like the St. Louis shooter from being able to get their hands on guns. I also would close the unregistered sale loophole that lets buyers go background check free.

As for limiting open carry, I would leave it up to businesses to decide if someone can open carry in their establishment.


willardharrisupvotes t1_iunjzco wrote

Reply to comment by heavyrocker1989 in Possible 2024 Run by [deleted]

I want to work with farmers! Like I’ve ran cattle and cut hay. I feel for the farmers getting undercut by companies like Tyson so much. My biggest fear is they’ve been so brainwashed that they’ll hear democrat and think I’m going to take their jobs.


willardharrisupvotes t1_iunh51z wrote

Reply to comment by ProGlizzyHandler in Possible 2024 Run by [deleted]

I don’t believe I’ll win at all. But I do believe I could help start bridging the gap with those who are on the fence about the GOP but have spent years being fed lies that Dems just want to destroy everything. Then maybe a few years later have enough base to successfully rerun