
wirylime t1_j2dp87p wrote

So let me get this straight. He is a sweet guy, has a job, pulls his weight, and cares for you a lot. And you are anxious, insecure, and tired of trying to change him. So. What we have here is you trying to mold him into a dominant leader because you don't know how to be confident and strong yourself. That way you can depend on him because you have a co-dependent personality. You say you had to teach him a lot about relationships, but it doesn't sound like you have had a ton of experience with normal healthy relationships yourself, so is it possible that your opinion of how he should behave is a bit off? Stop trying to fix him and perhaps work on yourself.

We understand what you mean when you say he lacks confidence to make a choice or stand up for himself. That could be frustrating. But have you considered that he really is trying not to upset you because of your history of depression and insecurities? If you are the type that needs people to constantly pour on how much they love you, then you come off as a bit high maintenance and needy. He is probably just trying to keep the peace.