
wolfie379 t1_jdsvwcl wrote

When Yellowstone was set aside as a National Park, there were people complaining about it being too big. Now, scientists are saying it’s too small - because areas critical to the continued functioning of the geysers are outside the park boundaries.


wolfie379 t1_jdry6ih wrote

Are you even sure you have the right hinges? Euro hinges are available as inset (edge of side panel exposed, outer surface of door is flush with edge of side panel when closed), half overlap (side panel is shared by 2 cabinets, inner surface of door sits against side panel when closed, each door overlaps half of side panel), and full overlap (each cabinet has its own side panel, door overlaps whole side panel when closed), and they look pretty much the same.

Is there something (piece of sawdust?) pinched between the metal and the laminate, so the metal is at a slight angle? When magnified by the length of the door, this could result in a gap caused by the angle being more than the door closure adjusting screw can compensate for.


wolfie379 t1_jcexwvo wrote

Have they even considered the possibility of a 150 pound Great Pyrenees biting the “intruder” and hanging onto it? How about a duplex with a shared, fenced yard? Unit A orders a package from Amazon - drone has a right to be there. Unit B owns a Chihuahua- dog has a right to be there. Dog bites drone, is carried a few hundred feet up, falls, and is seriously injured. Resident of Unit B (who didn’t order the package, so Amazon can’t hide behind a disclaimer in the contract) sues Amazon for the vet bills - and their lawyer introduces as evidence a news story about the Great Pyrenees incident a year earlier, which proves that Amazon knew that dogs would bite the “drop drones”.


wolfie379 t1_jceo1sd wrote

A device that’s meant to be installed on a propane tank (which needs to be refilled regularly), and is designed to break in a manner that will keep it from being removed? What the fuck were the designers thinking?

Seriously, they were expecting you to buy a new GasMate and a new tank every time you used a tank of propane.


wolfie379 t1_jbrfve8 wrote

Blue was also a tough one. Most common blue dye was indigo/woad (same pigment produced by two different plants), which due to its nature needed to be applied in a different manner from other dyes. Ultramarine blue existed for painting, but it was expensive (pigment made from crushed semiprecious stone). It wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution when chemists started working with coal tar (byproduct of the local gasworks) that a cheap, stable blue dye (Prussian blue) became available.


wolfie379 t1_jawco1v wrote

Haven’t kicked in over another hypocrisy - American law prohibits companies from participating in the boycott of Israel (Arabs want to buy equipment but insist on no Israeli content, American company is required to report this to the government and reject the deal) but requires them to boycott Cuba.

Corrupt dictator (Batista) is overthrown, America is pissed that the new government voids contracts he signed. Corrupt dictator (Saran Hussein) is overthrown, American government demands that the new government void contracts he signed.


wolfie379 t1_jauava5 wrote

Couple caveats about Plan B:

Although it’s listed as being effective if taken up to 72 hours after intercourse, the further along you are in that window when you take it the less effective it is. That’s because it has inhibits ovulation - if the egg has already been released, it won’t work. That’s why it’s important to have it on hand.

It also has a weight limit. For women over that limit, it is significantly less effective. Given America’s obesity epidemic, that’s something worth knowing.


wolfie379 t1_jaua8d4 wrote

State owned oil company in Jihadistan contracts to buy drilling equipment. One line in the contract specifies the equipment is F.O.B. City of Mohammed, Jihadistan.

“F.O.B.” is a term meaning that supplier is responsible for shipping and customs duties to the specified point, customer is responsible for shipping and customs duties from that point onward. Jihadistan law requires that any entity importing goods must provide a certificate stating that none of the material, equipment, or labour used to produce the goods was obtained from the jews illegally occupying Palestine (term in Jihadistan law for what the rest of the world calls “Israel”). Pretty hard for an American company to sell the equipment while being in compliance with the law prohibiting boycott of Israel.

Also, a ban on boycotting Israel is hypocritical considering the mandatory boycott of Cuba. I believe it was in the 1980s that Ford of Canada had signed a deal to sell trucks to Cuba when Washington leaned on head office in Detroit to order Ford of Canada to tear up the deal.


wolfie379 t1_ja5s4j5 wrote

At least they weren’t involved in the infamous Reddenbacher Incident.

A large hyperbaric chamber was built to test the mental performance of personnel under high atmospheric pressure. O-5s and O-6s were performing mentally taxing tasks as the chamber’s pressure was slowly increased to the equivalent of a depth of 600 feet. Unfortunately, the contractor wasn’t told the rank of the people who would be using the chamber, so it was built to the standards of equipment intended for use by lower enlisted.

The door latch failed, the door flew open, and the chamber underwent explosive decompression. Almost every Colonel popped.


wolfie379 t1_j9eal33 wrote

It gets better. One of the washers between the strainer basket and the tailpiece for my kitchen (double) sink started to leak, literally a 50 cent part. Tailpieces were soldered into drain pipe rather than using slip joints, slight angle so fitting screwed onto strainer basin damaged the basin’s threads, had to replace strainer basin. Did you know that between the 1960s and the 1990s, there was a change in strainer basins - they now project roughly 1/2” less below the bottom of the sink? Had to replace both strainer basins and crossover pipe because a 50 cent washer was installed in a manner where it couldn’t be replaced.

All the lights and half the outlets are on one circuit. One of the outlets on that circuit is near floor level where the fridge was when I bought the place (from the cabinets, it looks like that space was intended for the fridge - fridges should be on their own circuit). I moved the fridge to what looked like where the ironing board was supposed to be set up (outlet on its own circuit). Previous owner had painted over many switches/outlets, so I was replacing them. Removed fuse from circuit for “old fridge” outlet, was detaching wires from the outlet. Detached one of the wires from the neutral side, there was a spark. The neutral return for another circuit went into one of the silver screws on this outlet and out of the other. Set up a pigtail - both wires and a short one go into a wire nut, short one goes to new outlet, so any future outlet replacement won’t leave a loose live wire.


wolfie379 t1_j9e3i5k wrote

Your wall might not have studs. Seriously. I live in a high-rise condo (originally a rental building) built in the 1960s, and here’s what I found when I replaced the tap for my bathtub:

The “wet wall” was made of expanded metal lath and plaster. At roughly 1 foot intervals, there was a vertical piece of U channel formed from heavy sheet metal, roughly 3/4” wide with 3/8” legs. These channels were the closest thing to studs in that wall.


wolfie379 t1_j6lpiqf wrote

Note that twin births among cattle are rare. In the Old West, one cowboy telling another “your cow had twins” would usually result in a fatal case of “lead poisoning” - since “twins” usually meant that there was a cow wearing a different brand bawling for its lost calf.