
wonko1980 t1_j5in9kt wrote

I own the K702 and it’s almost perfect for me. Of course it’s not invented to be a bass heavy headphone, but it’s very enjoyable the way it is … but:

  • Get some nice pads for it. I decided to get Yaxi pads and sound and comfort improved.
  • Don’t get the K701 because of the fixed cable. Get the identical K702 and an aftermarket cable (from Beyerdynamic)

wonko1980 OP t1_j25wdj5 wrote

Oh, indeed I do! But I heard about this effect for speakers first and couldn’t really believe it: usually I can hear where speakers are placed (… not the subwoofer), but there are speakers that acoustically are able to disappear as I read…. Can’t really believe, but had to learn with my earbuds that it’s possible


wonko1980 t1_j24pb05 wrote

You can read about it in different manufacturing sites, eg. Yaxi, Dekoni etc.

Just one example: https://dekoniaudio.com/articles/so-you-want-some-focal-measurements-with-the-dekoni-audio-ear-pads/

When interested in experiencing even subtile changes: Cut out rounds from coffee filters and put in your cans … you’ll be astonished how noticeable the differences are.


wonko1980 t1_ituzz6e wrote

Yes, but probably only with good headphone like the K702 and good source material. I tried the Topping DX3 pro plus, too, and it sounded softer… wouldn’t probably figure out this as easy, but to me my Fiio K5 pro ess sounds more pleasant. Sadly I never had the chance to hear a warmer DAC/amp, but as far as I read the Geshelli stack must be one of the very best under 1K.

Edit: Modded my K702 with Yaxi pads and got clearly improved sound.